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10 The Sun, Wednesday, December 28, 2011
In Bible ..
has a sense of humor
Rev. Connie
Crawford Lain
Special to The Sun
I have the reflexes of a cat.
At least that is what I keep tell-
ing myself.
My years of gymnastics
have blessed me with good hal-
ance and endurance. In fact,
you might say I take pride in
my physical ability.
Recently I got to practice my
:physical dexterity when I went
mushroom hunting with
friends. I love being out in the
woods, it fills me with a sense
of God's goodness and His in-
finite creativity.
I was having a good time
climbing up and down steep
canyon walls while searching
for Chantrelles. As I searched,
I walked across a mossy log on
the edge of a precipice, looked
out over the misty vista and
sighed with pleasure.
Turning back to the task at
hand, I took another step. Just
as I was ready to put my foot
down, I saw it ... there right
under my foot was a beautiful
golden mushroom. I balanced
easily on one foot and called to
my mushroom parmer.
With glee, I did a half pirou-
ette on the log and bent down to
capture myprize.., and that was
the moment the log gave way.
My "cat like reflexes" and I
went tumbling over the edge.
Head over heels ... over and over
and over I went until I finally
came to a crashing halt in a pile
of brash. As I laid there with my
head in the ferns and waited for
the world to stop spinning, this
B~le verse came to mind:
"First pride, then the
crash--- the bigger the ego, the
harder the fall." Proverbs 16:18
(The Message).
And people say that God has
no sense of humor ...
Re~. Connie Crawford Lain
is the pastor at gqllamina Free
Methodist Church. She can be
reached at pastorconnie
Sadie Says
Safe New Year's parties
and resolutions that stick
By Sadie Mae
Special to The Sun
Three days and counting ... New Year's
Eve is almost here!
I'm already hearing friends talk about
what they want to do that evening. I'd like
to suggest that people stay home! Rent video
games and/or movies from our local video
store, or play an epic and strategic game of
Monopoly...any games will be fun! They
can last ALL day. Have snacks, music and
Staying at home is not only fun but much
safer. Have some fiiends over and don't for-
get the egg nogg.
New Year's Eve also reminds us that we
should start making those New Year's resolu-
tions. (And "I resolve not tomake any resolu-
tions" doesn't count.)
Forget the traditional ones that we usually
break almost immediately as we eat dinner ...
resolve to be a kinder and gentler person; some-
one who will smile first and give a friendly hello.
Treat every one as you would like to be treated.
(Now where have I heard that before?) Soon
they will be responding back andwill hopefully
pass it on. But I must warn you that smiles are
Without trying to offend anyone's sensibili-
ties ... my hopes are that you all have a safe and
Happy New Year. Remember ... stay home to
stay safe.
Have a comment, brief story, question or
suggestion you wouM like to share? Email
Sadie, at ask_sadie_mae@ or for those
of you who prefer the non-technological approach
just mail to The Sun, AT17~." Sadie Mae. Please in-
clude your full name and the city you live in. (All
entries will be confidential, usingfirst names or
Anonymous, if requested)
I I 8th Installment of Diary of a W|mpy Kid series
] -,u.-,Z.-, STAMPS
THE SUN - 136 E. Mmi~, $1mridan - 503-843.2_3!2,. h~r[
• /
Willamina faces stiff opposition at FFA
state agriculture sales competition
Members of Willamina
FFA's Advanced Agriculture
Sales team stood among the
best contestants in the state pro-
moting their goods--mustard,
market pigs, summer sausage
and miniature horses.
This year's statewide com-
petition was held on Dec. 10
in Dayton. A total of 18 teams
from across Oregon com-
The Willamina team didn't
score high enough at state to
compete at nationals, but the
stiffcompetition gave the four-
member advanced team op-
portunity to hone their sales
"Our district is one of the
most competitive in the state,"
said Sierra Hawley.
The contest consisted of
four parts: a written test, an oral
sales presentation, a series of
practical exercises and a team
activity.All team members take
the objective test, participate in
the sales presentation and take
part in the team activity.
Each team member prepares
Photo by Marguerite Alexander
Nolan Smith (from left), Sierra Hawley, Hannah Clark and Sonja Clark hold the
products or flyer and brochures of the animals they are selling at the FFA state ag
sales competition.
for a specific area in sales. This
year Hawley took phone or-
ders, Hannah Clark competed
in advertising, Sonja Clark fo-
cused on customer relations said FFA advisor Roy
andNolan Smith demonstrated "Whitman. She scored among
his skills in prospecting, the top three in customer rela-
y ~'
"Sonya scored . ~¢x'y,~v~e~, ~ tions. ,,,,,. ........
1 PHO 5
each per
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unlimited local and nationwide long-distance calling to the 50 states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Vegin Islands, Guam and Canada, Per call toll and international charges apply. $5/mo, multimedia modem rental fee applies to intemet and phone orders, Cable and intemet ostal ation is $29.95 for one or bold, and is good for up to
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