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4 The Sun, Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Camille Gluskoter
eruda0 apa0e e o
Marl Sato
Zach Monroe
Jackson Ross, SJS staff.
High school students sing with "Buddies".
Julia Wasson accompanies on piano.
Ryan Cahill
Left to right; Gracle McKnight, Emma Jager, Kaitlyn Calaway, Brisen Haug, Wyatt Topping, Ayla Carter,
Emily Hembree and Ashton Ball.
Amy Caldwell and Tabitha Mueller
Maddle Bisgyer, Patrick Mueller, Silas
Renda, Mara Noel and Cadisle Topping.
Seasons Greetings!
By Carol Harper
House of Hope Teacher
Katie and Schantae sewing PJ pants.
Very little has
changed this year at
House of Hope.
The hours that
we are open have
changed to Monday
- Friday 12:30 -
4:00 p.m.
We are thankful
for our new volun-
teer, Jeanie Powers
and the kindness
she has shown us.
Jeanie has taught
our students howto
make homemade
chicken soup and a
delicious dish made
from Thanksgiving
leftovers. She is also
arranging a "treat"
day f~our girls be- .
fore winter break.
House of Hope
also continues to
enjoy their rela-
tionship class with
Cindy Stolp from
Henderson House
every week.
This year the stu-
dents are learning to
sew and most have
completed pajama
pants. Some stu- Katie decorating an ornament.
dents surprised
themselves and ac-
tually enjoy sewing.
We have tried to in-
clude crafts that the
children make too.
We are involved
in a fundraiser for
a spring confer-
ence our students
want to attend.
Please call 503-
843-2159, M-F
12:30-4:00 if you
have any dona-
We want to sin-
cerely thank those
of you who con-
"Feet Tree" footprints of Madison.
We Recycle!
Please save your
pop cans, old cell
phones, old ink
cartridges and old
Let us
recycle them
for you!
Call us any time
between noon and 4
plat 503-843-2159,
Monday - Friday at
House of Hope.
tinue to support
Caiden and Ryan playing Hide and Seek. House of Hope. Danielle sewing PJ pants.
that mold.
Director Brad Bird's (The
Incredibles, Ratatouille) first
live-action effort may have just
put "Mission Impossible" back
on the map, as "Ghost Proto-
col" is probably the best film
in the series since the first.
There are a few well-placed
callbacks to fans of the series,
but they are in context enough
that this film is easily approach-
able by everyone, even if this
is your first "Mission Impos-
sible" film.
"Ghost Protocol" is highly
entertaining in pretty much ev-
ery aspect. The story is engag-
ing, the characters are all inter-
esting and enjoyable to watch,
the stunts are simply amazing
and the overaU "espionage ex-
perience" just feels incredibly
complete, to the point where it
would be nearly impossible not
to be content at the end. You
can't really go wrong with see-
hag this film; it has just about
everything an action fan, a spy
fan, or even just a general
movie fan could ever want.
Grade: A-
Entertainment Value: 9.5
At the Movies
"Mission Impossible 4" is a dynamic thriller
leased, even taking a pay cut to
make sure it was made. So here
we are, over five years after the
last one. "Mission Impossible
Ghost Protocol" was released
to very positive reviews by crit-
ics, so naturally I was rather
excited to see it.
The story opens with two
IMF operatives, Jane (Paula
Patton) and Benji (Simon Pegg)
breaking the hero of the series,
Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise), out
of a prison in Moscow. Ethan
escapes with an informant in
tow and rejoins the IMF, tell-
ing the other agents he was
imprisoned to acquire intelli-
gence. The team is quickly sent
on a mission to infiltrate The
Kremlin to locate the Russians'
files on a nuclear Extremist
codenamed Cobalt.
The mission, however, goes
wrong and an explosion is trig-
gered in The Kremlin, sparking
an international incident. The
IMF is blamed for the attack
and the President initiates
"Ghost Protocol" which essen-
tially means the entire organi-
zation has been disavowed and
branded as traitors. The remain-
ing team, and an analyst, Brandt
(Jeremy Renner), are forced to
go underground and try to stop
Cobalt without the assistance of
the Government.
Much like 2006's "Mission
Impossible 3," "Ghost Proto-
col" finds the perfect balance
between espionage and action.
Delivering lots of excellent
chase sequences and stunts, but
also delivering the goods on
complex schemes and gadgets.
Also, this film did a superb job
of really showing just how un-
prepared the IMF team was for
their circumstances. Devices
fail, plans fall through, stunts
that would work in an ordinary
action film fall short. There's
always the impression that the
IMF team is only surviving by
the skin of their teeth and sheer
luck. It adds to the frantic pace
and tension of this film.
What really pulls this movie
together, though, is the fantas-
tic chemistry of the IMF team.
Tom Cruise has been doing this
series for right around 15 years,
and he's comfortable in his
character. As an actor Tom
Cruise does almost all of his
own stunts, including the spec-
tacular segment where he rims
across the side of the world's
tallest building, the 160 story
Burj Khalifa in Dubai, and
jumps into an open window.
Whatever you think about Tom
Cruise, you have to give him
credit for being a dedicated ac-
Simon Pegg is the only other
member of the team from pre-
vions films. He was in "Mis-
sion Impossible 3" as a lab tech-
nician, and has been promoted
to field duty in this film. He
provides the lion's share of the
comedy, though the other ac-
tors are no slouches either.
Paula Patton (Jump the Broom)
plays the team's sole female,
and the one with the most per-
sonal stake, as her boyfriend
(Josh Holloway from Lost) was
murdered by one of the
assassin's associate with Co-
Finally, Jererny Rermer (The
Hurt Locker) does an excellent
job playing against type. While
Renner is well known for play-
ing military roles, here (while
still playing an agent) he plays
a much more cautious charac-
ter, hesitant to go into danger-
ous situations and works more
with intelligence than straight
up conflict. All things cOnsid-
ered, this is probably the best-
developed team in the entire
series, which I think really
made this movie shine. The
other three movies, while fea-
turing teams of course, were
still mostly about Ethan Hunt.
It was nice to see this film break
By lan Black
Special to The Sun
I've always had a soft spot
for the spy genre, ever since I
was a kid. When I was young,
I loved the James Bond mov-
ies. I also watched the first
"Mission Impossible" film an
insane amount of times, par-
tiaUy because I liked it and par-
tially because it was a conve-
nient way to pass time during
that period of my life. In any
case, it earned a place in my
childhood for that.
I was never a big fan of the
second "Mission Impossible"
film. I thought it was way too
much action and not enough
spying. Thankfully, in 2006, J.J.
Abrams brought new life into
the franchise (just like he did
with Star Trek) with "Mission
Impossible III." That looked to
be the end of things, but Tom
Cruise worked incredibly hard
for the fourth film to be re-