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12 The Sun, Wednesday, August 3, 2011
"I believe when a child reads this book, they will be healed. If they are sick,
they will be come well. If they are alone, they will not be lonely anymore."
mNichole Yoder, writer
Photo by Susan Ragan
Sheridan writer Nichole Yoder shows off a couple of pages of the 22-page book she wrote and illustrated, 'Dear Child.' She is working on getting the book published.
II Sheridan woman produces children's book after viewing TV program about abused kids
By Daniel Crawford
Correspondent, The Sun
A local artist turned writer
has written a children's book
after she was inspired by a
television show she watched
about the harsh treatment of
youth by militant armies in
North Africa.
Nichole Yoder was
viewing a satellite channel on
God TV. She became
emotionally affected at the
brutalization of children by
army officials who recruited
the children to fight for the
army or watch their family
die if they resisted. In most
of the scenes from the show
the children were between the
ages of 10 and 14.
Yoder went to sleep that
night riding on an emotional
roller coaster wondering what
she could do to help. In the
morning, she found her
In one hour's time, Yoder
penned a book of prayer for
the children she saw on the
television show the night
before and titled the book;
"Dear Child."
The book sat on Yoder's
shelf for an extended period
after she wrote it out. She
was experiencing the
conflicting dilemma that
many writers often feel after
writing a piece. She won-
dered if the book was good
enough. Or who would read
it. And why anyone would
find it interesting. But she
had a strong, nagging feeling
li Book Premier
! Red Carpet Event
! Sept. 24
More details to follow in The Sun when available
that her words were special
and they had to be published.
Through the help of a life
coach at her church, Yoder
became re-inspired to
complete the book through
her own art. She was
challenged to use her natural
artistic gifts and illustrate the
pages by her church contem-
porary, Lennox Fleary.
"He (Fleary) has been a
wonderful mentor for me. He
helped me to stay focused and
he set goals for me to reach,"
Yoder said.
In the 22 pages of the
book, Yoder illustrated each
page with a particular color
scheme that she had studied
while she was in college. The
class was a theorem on the
study of how colors evoke
certain moods. Yoder took
special interest in detailing
every color used for every
image or character to set a
mood tempo for the readers to
visually "feel."
"The book is filled with
colored symbolism. I
carefully selected each color
in each picture so that the
images would punctuate the
words," Yoder stated.
Yoder has yet to determine
who will publish her book.
She has checked into some
publishing companies but she
found that they will not even
look at a book unless a
literary agent represents the
writer. She is considering
publishing the book at her
own expense.
"It's way harder than I
imagined," Yoder said.
In the interim, Yoder plans
to produce a temporary
binding of her book published
at a minimal expense out of
her own pocket. She wants to
do a trial nan with her book
and has scheduled a book
premiere showing on Sept. 24
at the Red Carpet Event in
Yoder also has a grander
plan to send a copy of her
book to Africa. A friend of
hers, Christi Anne
Vanderzanden, is traveling to
Africa soon to go back to
work and has agreed to help
distribute the book's message
to the people.
"I believe when a child
reads this book, they will be
healed. If they are sick, they
will be come well. If they are
alone, th¢y will not be lonely
anymore, "Yoder said as she
described the message within
the words of her book.
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