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10 The Sun, Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Music licenses
Iso a must
Continued from PAGE 1 by copyright laws involving "Because businesses use mu-
movies but also music licenses, sic in different ways--from
of showing the movies in the It recently received a letter from bars and restaurants to tele-
park.Adamson said the chain- the American Society of Mu- phone music on hold--there is
ber will be looking for some- sic Arrangers and Composers no single music license struc-
one to sponsor the event in the challenging the city's right to ture that covers every applica-
future. "Hopefully we're goin play music. Festivals, parades tion," the website said. The
to get it on track for next year," and other events, or simply pro- ASMAClistsafeescheddefor
she said. viding music for callers wait- the various licenses.
Rather than dropping Mov- ing "on hold" on the telephone, Sheridan said he is fighting
ies in the Park altogether, are subjectto licenses,the mtisic license. The city
Gowell suggested another op- "The music one surprised manager is also checking to see
tion for continuing the activity me," Sheridan said. if the city is liable for the ille-
in the futme--charging a nomi- According to the ASMAC gal use of music if someone
nal fee to help offset the cost of website, there are Over 170 dif- holds a party in the park and
licensing, ferent types of music licenses plays the music loud enough
The city is not only affected to cover specific music uses. that others can hear.
!m i! ii i,
Two arrested for DUII after crashes
Two local drivers were cited was cited for DUII, reckless in a 1961 GMC pickup when
for driving under the influence driving, reckless endangering, he clipped the back ofa ski boat
of intoxicants this past week refusing a breath test and fail- and knocked it off the boat
following separate motor ve- ure to drive within a lane. trailer. Donaldson's truck then
hicle crashes. Both the driver and passen- crossed the road and hit the side
According to an Oregon get refused medical care. The of a house.
State Police report, Brenda K. vehicle was towed from the The boat was being towed
Bjerke, 51, of Willamina, was scene, by a 1987 Dodge Dakota
traveling west on Highway 18B On Sunday evening a driven by Luverne Olson, 61,
on the afternoon of July 21 Ballston man was arrested by of Sheridan. Olson'spassenger,
when she failed to make the Polk County Sheriff deputies Mary Olson, was transported
comer at Rock Creek Road and following a two-vehicle crash by ambulance to the hospital.
drove her 2008 Ford Ranger near the intersection ofBallston Ballston Road was closed
pickup into the trees. State and DeJong roads, temporarily while the boat was
troopers on scene reported the According to Lt. JeffIsham removed from the road.
driver to be "visibly intoxi- of the Polk County Sheriff's Donaldson was arrested for
cated." Office, Jeffrey Donaldson, 40, reckless driving, DUII and
Bjerkerefusedboththefield of Amity, was backing out of criminal mischief. He was
sobriety and breath test. She his driveway on Ballston Road taken to the Polk County Jail.
Kiwani: dinner at
Contlnued.from PAGE 1 cytic leukemia, that could have tive to the idea of inviting
proven fatal to the Willamina Meeder to Willamina. Last
than 300 horses, welcomes Elementary student, has been in year Kim shared her story of
between 4,000 and 5,000 remission for over a year. The hope and healing.
visitors a year. Children, the 7-year-old has resumed her ac- This year, Kim's husband
majority of whom are dis- five lifestyle--which includes Troy will join her. "He's an
advantaged, come from all earning an orange belt in mar- amazing speaker," Jeffery
over to ride one of the 25 tial ags--- and will be in school said. "He will be a real bless-
to 30 horses housed on the this fall. ing to the event."
ranch. Judy Jeffery arranged for Lamson Park wiU be open
Last summer Maya Sevilh Maya and her mother to visit for seating at 5 p.m. on Aug.
and her mother Sheree Bar- Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch. 6 for An Evening of Hope.
rios were asked to carry the "She went with us to the ranch," With very limited seating
flag at the opening of An Barrios said. available, everyone is en-
Evening of Hope. Two It was Jeffery who had the couraged to bring lawn chairs
months later they visited idea to bring the Meeders' mes- orblankets to sit on.
Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch. sage of hope to the West Val- This year's event will be
Maya had an hour with ley. The wife oft he former Wil- held in memory of Richard
Kim. "She had a wonderful lamina school superintendent Herrick. Music will precede
time," said Barrios. believes in the power of prayer, the main event which willbe-
At the age of 6 years, "'I pray for the communities I gin at 7 p.m. and is provided
Maya was diagnosed with go into," she said. free of charge.
leukemia. She checked into One morning she awakenedThe community is also in-
Doembecher Children's Hos- with a message on her heart-- vited to a barbecue fundraiser
pital in Portland on Dec. 19, Let's bring some hope to this for the West Valley Kiwanis
2009 to begin treatment. It town." Jeffery remembered the Scholarship Fund. It will be
was several months before she message of hope she had heard held at Lamson Park at 5:30
was allowed to return home. from Kim Meeder. p.m. on Aug. 6. The cost of
"Maya is doing great," "She spoke hope into my the barbecue is $7 for adults
said Barrios. life," Jeffery said. and $5 for children 12 and
The acute myelomono- The community was recep-under.
News Briefs
Vets hold yard Review of a contract with County Commission on Chil-
the Oregon School Boards As- dren and Families, is looking
sale at VFW Hall so iation be on the agenda for Literacy Activity Volun-
The contract involves OSBA teers (for specific dates) to
AMVETS Post 2000 will reviewofschoolboardpolicies, assist with the Reading for
host a garage sale at the Wfl- Two directors willbe sworn All booths at local commu-
lamina VFW Hall on Friday in: Harvey Hall, who is new to nity events and Book Sort
and Saturday, July 29 and 30, the board, and Judy Breeden, Volunteers (on-going need)
beginning at 8 a.m. who was re-elected, to pick up, clean, sort, and
deliver books that Reading
• • • • • for All receives through do-
nations and book drives.
Sheridan School Reading for All Training will be provided for
these volunteers.
Board reviews needs volunteers For more information, con-
OSBA contract Michele Bergeron, Read-
Reading for All, a literacy ing forAll Facilitator for Yam-
The Sheridan school board initiative funded by The Or- hill County, at 503-434-7326,
will meet at 6 tonight at lh egon Community Foundatien or
school district office, in partnership with Yamhill visit
ea(h per
• filet,
when combined w/internet & phone
Hurry, offer ends Tuesday,
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