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Sheridan , Oregon
July 27, 2011     The Sun Paper
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July 27, 2011
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Public Notices 8 The Sun, Wednesday, July 27, 2011 given that, RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.Av the under- signed Trustee will on Friday, TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF September 23, 2011 at the hour SALE of 10:00 AM in accord with the Reference is made to that standard of time established by certain Trust Deed made by ORS 187.110, at the following RONALD W. DAVIS AND place: insicle the main lobby of " HOLLIELDAVIS, ASTENANTS the Yamhill County Court- BY THE ENTIRETY, as house, 535 East 5th St., McMin- grantor(s), to FIDELITY NA- nville, Yamhill County, OR, sell TIONAL TITLE INSURANCE at public auction to the highest CO, as Trustee, in favor of bidder for cash the interest in MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC the described real property REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, which the grantor had or had INC., as Beneficiary, dated 02/ power to convey at the time of 15/07, recorded 02/20/07, in the execution by grantor of the the mortgage records of Yam- Trust Deed, together with any hill County, Oregon, as interest which the grantor or Recorder's fee/file/instrument/ grantor's successors in interest microfilm~reception Number acquired after the execution of 200703913, covering the fol- the Trust Deed, to satisfy the lowing described real property foregoing obligations thereby situated in said county and secured and the costs and ex- state, to wit: LOT 14, NORTH penses ofsale, including a rea- PARKADDITION NO. 3, IN THE sonable charge by the Trustee. CITY OF SHERIDAN, COUNTYNotice is further given that any OF YAMHILL, STATE OF OR-person named in ORS 86.753 EGON. PROPERTY AD- has the right, atanytimethatis DRESS: 781 NORTHEAST not later than five days before BLAIR STREET SHERIDAN, the date last set for the sale, to OR 97378 Both the Beneficiary have this foreclosure proceed- and the Trustee have elected to ing dismissed and the Trust sell the real property to satisfy Deed reinstated by paying to the obligations that the Trust the Beneficiary the entire Deed secures and a notice of amount then due (other than default has been recorded put- such portion of the principal as suant to Oregon Revised Stat- would not then be clue had no utes 86.735(3); the default for default occurred) and by cur- which the foreclosure is made ing any other default corn- is grantor's failure to pay when plained of notice of default that due the following sums:,is capable of being cured by monthly payments of $1,041.31 tendering the performance re- beginning 04/01/2008; plus late quired under the obligation that charges of $44.70 each month the Trust Deed secures, and in beginning with the 04/01/2008 add.ition to paying said sums or payment plus prior accrued tendering the performance late charges of $-77.41; plus necessary to cure the default advances of $935.00; together by paying all costs and ex- with title expense, costs, penses actually incurred in en- trustee's fees and attorney fees forcing the obligation that the incurred herein by reason of Trust Deed secures, together said default; and any further with the Trustee's and attorney sums advanced bythe Benefi- fees not exceeding the ciary for the protection of the amounts provided by ORS above described real property 86.753. In construing this no- and its interest therein. By tea- tics, the singular includes the son of said default the Benefi- plural, the word "grantor" in- ciary- has declared all sums cludes any successor in inter- owing on the obligation that the est to the grantor as well as any Trust Deed secures are imme- other person owing an obliga- diately due and payable, said tion, that the Trust Deed se- sums being the following to wit: cures, and the words "Trustee" $122,536.39 with interest and "Beneficiary" include their thereon at the rate of 7.85 per- respective successors in inter- cent per annum beginning 03/ est, if any. Dated: May 18, 2011 01/2008 until paid, plus all ac-. RECONTRUST COMPANY, crued late charges thereon to- N.A. For further information, gether with title expense, costs, please contact: RECONTRUST trustee's fees and attomey fees COMPANY, N.A. 1800 Tapo incurred herein by reason of Canyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94 said default; and any further SIMI VALLEy, CA. 93063 (800) sums advanced bythe Benefi- 281-8219 TS No.'10-0083886 ciary for the protection of the (TS# 10-0083886) above described real propertv.,~ 1006~J 07489-FEI and its interests thereiri... Publish: The Sun, July6, 13, WHEREFORE, notice hereby i~ r 20 and 27, 2011. Kamn specializes in quality instruments Continued from PAGE 1 Johnson finally caught up with his future partner after watching him play gui- tar for the church band at a morning service. After the set was over, Johnson went up to Moldovan-Trujillo and introduced himself. He then paid him a compliment that would be the equivalent to a man telling a woman how beautiful she is. Johnson simply said to Moldovan-Trujillo, "You have nice tones." Moldovan-Trujillo, of course, fully understood the magnitude of that compli- ment and a friendship struck a chord that quickly evolved into a working partnership. Actually Kamn Guitars began in 1984 as a solo en- deavor, by Johnson. He op- erated the business in his spare time, hoping that it would blossom into a full- time adventure. But that never happened because Johnson only wanted to build quality guitars for a specific clientele. "About 80 percent o f the guitars produced in the world come from an Asian country where they just go through the motions and pump out guitars on an as- sembly line," Johnson said. "That is a pace that makes me bored just thinking about it. I want to make quality guitars that our customers can be proud of." As a working team, they hax, e found a natural ideal of making the best sound- ing guitars possible. Both of them will knock and tap on Inspired by Paul Stanley of this one. Photo by Clinton Vlning KISS, Jeff Johnson began making mirror guitars like a prospective piece of wood to unique style of guitar to auc- rored guitar. I had noticed that hear its resonance before cut- tion away. Last year they do- he had his guitar upgraded over ring it into a guitar base. Both nated a guitar that looked like the )/ears and that gave me the are meticulous about every de- it was made from cowhide, idea to build an even better mir- tail from the look of the guitar Guitar reparations and ror guitar. Over the years I have to the sound quality. And both modifications are offered at amassed about 110,950 years of of them claim to be able to hear Kamn Guitars. They have an bad luck," Johnson laughed. a song and instinctively know established customer base from Now that Kamn Guitars is a what kind of wood the guitar all parts of the world for their team effort, the desire is still in the song is made from. efforts. However, their favorite there for this to fulfill Johnson "When I was beginning to work to perform is something and Molldovan-Trujillo's learn about building guitars they have dubbed the "cutting dream to become a full-time back in the early '80s, there edge" specialties. This is a pro- operation. They promise to wasn't anyone to learn from cess where they cover a guitar keep chasing that dream while back then. I was self-taught," with a labyrinth of connected making the best guitars along Moldovan-Trujillo said. broken mirror pieces to create the way. Over the past three years, a unique image. JohnsonFor a peek at the custom gui- Kamn Guitars has donated a learned of this style by watch- tars offered at Kamn Guitars, custom-built guitar to Wil- ing one of his guitar heroes, visit the website on line at lamina High School for their Paul Stanley of KISS. There annual fall auction. Each year, "I loved watching Paul is a direct e-mail link embeded the duo likes to come up with a (Stanley) on stage with his mir- on the page header. • e' Head Start of Yamhill from other areas in the county are gram. The parents are offered long waiting list, but this rare County is announcing an also encouraged to apply. There many Irainings and opportuni- opportunity will enable more expansion of 60 children are over 1,000 families in Yam- ties in the Head Start program, families to participate, and families in the Head hill County who "are eliglqale for The expansion brings theApplications are available at Start pre-school program. HeadStartbutarenotyetenrolled. number ofchildren in the Head the Newberg, Dayton and Head Start is a Slate and Head Start is a comprehen- Start program up to 367. The Sheridan centers or at the Head Fedemlly funded program for sive program that is family first round of selections will Start Administrative offices, lowincome children andtheir based. Parents, as the f'n'st and take place in early August. The 2045 SW Hwy. 18, Suite 300, families. There are classrooms the primary teacher in their present number of applicants McMinnville. Call 503-472- inNewbetg, Dayton, Sheridan child's life, are encouraged to will not fill all of the openings 2000 x301 to have an applica- and McMinnvitle. Children be an active part of the pro- available. There is usually 2 tion mailed to yo~addfess. 4 IS l h // Community Wide! In Front of Sheridan High School SS for a 10ft x !0ft Space ~ Reserve Space ASAP You must provide your own table, set up, and cleanup. Someone must watch your booth at all times. Set up starting at 2pro. You keep all proceeds from your booth. You are welcome to sell anything, no weapons. Support the Reading For All Action Team by DONAT%NG books to be distributed to Children in our community & the Library. To reserve your space, or for more information call Kim Greene at 503-434-0472 or email present e from Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch in Bend, Orep, on. Authors of "Hope Risinp,," "A Brid~,e Called Hope," "Blind Hope" (Kim), and "Average Joe" (Troy). | | EIITIIrl8 5:30 pro- BBQ Fundraiser {'or West K=wanm geholarsh:p Fund i ........ $7 for adults • $5 kids 12 & under prn • BBO Oonoerf by the Dixieland Ban "Freddg and the 9furnp Jump ,' • A Messa e of Hope: ~ Trog and Kim Meeder Come enjog an evening wi.fh food, farn,lg, friends, lots of rnuslo and an oppoHunifg fo ernbraoe HOPE. i