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Sheridan , Oregon
July 27, 2011     The Sun Paper
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July 27, 2011
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Oregon unemployment unchanged Oregon's seasonally ad, justed unemployment rate was 9.4 i ercent in June, essentially unchanged from the May rate of 9.3 percent. Meanwhile, the U.S. seasonally adjusted unem- ployment rate was 9.2 percent in June and 9.1 percent in May. limit Reserve the Willamina Gazebo Need a place for a family gathering or a party? The City of Willamina will accept reser- vations for the gazebo at the Garden Spot Park or the cov- ered area at the fishing pond. At the request of the City Council, city staff will sched- ule the use of the two structures and develop a set of rules to govern it. At this time there will be no cleaning deposits. Every- one using the facilities will be expected to clean up after them- selves. "Let's see how it goes," said City Recorder Sue Hollis. With city staff stretched with other responsibilities, Hollis told the council that she and the office coordinator have no time for anything other than scheduling reservations. mum Extension offers food preservation classes Do you want to learn the skills to SAFELY preserve food at home? Would you like an update on the latest research- based information? Registra- tion is now open for three Food Preservation Classes in Mc- Minnville: Preserving Fruits-- Wednesday, Aug. 10, 6 p.m. to 9 p:m: Topics covered will include: canning, freezing, drying, pie Born at Willamette Valley Medical Center, McMinnville: Alyson Nikcole Caluori, 8 lbs. 3 ozs., daughter of Nickole Buswell and Mat- thew Caluori, Sheridan, July 14. Birth announcements may be submitted to The Sun by calling 503-843-2312, ext. 204 or sending a FAX to 503-843- 3830. Our email address is news@sheridansun, com. CROWN I~ (3mn-m • Oo..v~noN • Bt, m~ Direct No Hidden Costs, Guaranteed Privately Owned Cremation Facility 136 E. Main Street, Shendan Prac'dcal seH.inldng address stamps priced from only $16.95 (3-line stamp) in IThe Sun filling, juices, jams and jel- lies. Preserving Tomatoes and Salsa--Monday, Aug. 22, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Topics covered will in- clude: canning, freezing, drying, salsa-making, rel- ishes and sauces,juices, and using green tomatoes. Preserving Vegetables, Fish, Poultry and Meats-- Wednesday, Sept. 21, 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Topics covered will in- clude: canning, freezing, drying, pickling, smoking, and jerky-making. Cost is $10 per class and must be paid at time of reg- istration to reserve your seat. Class size is limited and each class will be filled on a first-come-fast-served ba- sis. To register, contact the OSU 'Extension Service Yam_hill County office as soon as possible, and no later than one week before each class. Call 503-434- 7517. Checks may be writ- ten to OSU Extension Ser- vice and mailed, along with name, address, phone num- ber, e-mail address (if avail- able) and the name of the class you wish to attend. Mail to: OSU Extension Service - Yamhill County, 2050 Lafayette Ave., Mc- Minnville, OR 97128-9333. lilili National Night Out at Buell Grange Join your neighbors and friends on Tuesday, Aug. 2, from 5 to 7 p.m. to meet the people who are in charge of our safety and well being in an emergency. Several agencies will be repre- sented, including some you may be unfamiliar with. Do you know what is available to you, your family and your friends? Come enjoy water- melon, ice cream and other snacks while you gather important infoimation that could be life saving. First Federal has awarded a gleaner group. There are 25 $10,000 Commtmity Grant to partner agencies in total: 13 the YCAP Regional Food Bank pantries, two soup kitchens, to set up five $2,000 food cred- nine group meal sites and one its for organizations around gleaner group. YCAP works to Yamhill County. Each organi- ensure that boxes and meals are zation will be able to draw healthy and have a variety of $2,000 worth of food from the good food groups including Food Bank as they need it to fresh fi'uits and vegetables, pro- meet the need in their own com- tein, cereals and grains. The munity, food comes from a variety of Sheridan's West Valley sources, including food drives, Community Services is among grocery stores, over production the organizations receiving the at local farms, and through the credits, as are St. Barnabas Oregon Food Bank network. Soup Kitchen, serving the Me- Lee Means, Executive Di- Minnville area; Newberg Corn- rector of YCAP, said, "Pantries munity Kitchen; Joseph's and soup kitchens in Yamhill Storehouse, serving Yamhill County continue to see more and Carlton; and Isaiah 58, 1o- and more clients. Because cated in Amity. YCAP buys in bulk, $1 can buy The YCAP Food Bank pro- four pounds of food which can vides food, organizational and provide three meals. First Fed- technical support to a eral has greatly increased the countywide network of partner buying power of the five agen- food agencies comprised of cies they supported through this soup kitchens, food box pan- contribution to the food bank, tries, group meal sites and a in essence providing 30,000 Senior Lunch Menus: Aug. 1 - 5 Monday: BBQ chicken sandwich/bun or kielbasa sausage/ sauerkraut w/bun, Lyonnaise potatoes, marinated vegetable salad, spiced apples. Tuesday: Chicken pasta w/peanut sauce or beef cabbage bake, mixed vegetables, tossed salad/French dressing, sunflower seed roll, fresh melon cup. Wednesday: Spinach lasagna or farmer's chicken stew, whole kernel corn, Romaine Iceberg salad/Italian dressing, garlic roll, mixed fruit. Thursday: Roast turkey w/gravy or Swedish meatballs/sauce, whipped potatoes w/gravy, creamy coleslaw, dill bread, peaches. Friday: Meatloaf sandwich half or shaved ham sandwich half w/ wheat bread, chicken mixed rice soup, mandarin oranges, lime whip. The Northwest Senior & DisabMy Services Agency offers noon meals in Sheridan at the Sheridan Nazarene Church, 917 S. Bridge SL Meals are served at 11:30 a.m. Monday through Fridag. Anyone 60 or over and their spouse are welcome for fellowship and a ho~ nub'ildous meal. Home-delivered meals are available for home-bound seniors. A donation of $3 is suggested for the meals. Advance reserva- ffons are required. For more information, call 503-843-2000. Partials ... $950 each i ao. sto.t Repairs * Free Consultation Licensed Denturist McMinnville Dentare Center HOURS: MON. - WED. - FRt. 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. 145 E. Third By Appointment Only 503-472-0990 Use First Federal's Anytime Banking ATM • ONLINE ° TELEPHONE • MOBILE • TEXT First Federal r~xuzzE~ rDIC In front of Sheridan High School _ $5 for 10xl0 space - no permits required To reserve space, call Kim Greene 503-434-0472 or email SUSAN JONES AESTHETICS 503-843-3338 144 E. Main St. * Sheridan * Mon. - Sat. By Aavp't. SHERIDAN MARKET 135 S. Bridge Sheridan 503-843-3374 Open Daily 7am -lOpm Weekly Specials Always! Check us out. City of Sheridan 120 8W Mill St. * 503-843-2347 Check out our Community Yard Sale. Bargains for everyone! The Sun I II|II II | mi =I]~'Iml,~iT.~It~lilII[ ItIgIIIIP,~ JBI __ ] .............. Wednesday, July 27, 2011, The Sun J meals around Yamhill County." "As the result of the eco- nomic down turn that started in 2008, First Federal has shifted the emphasis of our giving program, prioritizing programs that serve basic hu- man needs in Yamhill County. Our Community Grant Com- mittee remains focused on en- suring that people in our com- munity have access to the food they need to sustain their fami- lies. By setting up these food credits at YCAP, we hope to enable local food based orga- nizations to better meet the need on a day day basis," said Marshall "Rocky" Wade, President and CEO of First Federal. Since 1999, First Federal has contributed over $1,500,000 to non-profit orga- nizations in Yamhill County through their Community Giv- ing Program. Grant applica- tions are currently being ac- cepted and may be obtained at any First Federal location or by going to www.FirstFed Smzdi Ficker Insurance&, nancial Services Agent FARMERS® FINANCIAL SERVICES Auto * Home * Ufe * Business Mutual Funds* •Vadable Universal Life* Variable Annuities* • IRKs and 401(k)s* " 529 College Savings Plans* • Securities offered through Farmers Financial Solutions, LLC PO Box 6025, Agoura Hills, CA., 91301 (818) 584-0200 • Member NASD We can solve your dust problems! AFFORDABLE • ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND CALL FOR INFORMATION Serving all of Yamhill, Polk and Washington Counties Production Services (FORMERLY WESTERN FARM SERWCE) Crop ' ..... focai- ice-............ Product.ion ~ Rickreall Servwes~ (503) 623-3101 • Good Shepherd Catholic Church 127 NE Hill Street, Sheridan. 503-843-2206. Deacon David Briedwell, Pastoral Administrator. Come celebrate with us. Sunday Mass 8 a.m. (8:30 a.m. starting Aug. 7) Reconciliation 30 minutes before Sunday Mass. Misa 3 p.m. on 7/24, 8/7 and 8/21. Pinochle 2rid Sunday each month 1 p.m. in the Haft. Bingo Aug. 6 at 6:30 p.m. with meal at 6:15 in the Hall. Willamina Free Methodist Church 253 NE D Street, Willamina. 503-876-4085. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sheridan United Methodist Church 234 N. Bridge Street, Sheridan. 503-843-2776. Pastor Ken Johnson. Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. Open Door Community Church 339 NW Sherman Street, Sheridan, 503-843-'6736, Sunday Meeting 10:15 a.m. Dur- ing the week Home Meetings and Youth Happenings. Jim Cook, Lead Pastor. Calvary Chapel West Valley 121 NE YamhiII St., Sheridan. 503-852-7195 or message: 503- 843-PRAY (7729). Pastor Thorn Carden. Sunday fellowship 10 a.m. Service 10:30 a.m. Womens' Bible Study 7 p.m. Monday. Mens' Bible Study 7 p.m. Wednesday. Seventh-day Adventist Churches Grand Ronde: 27660 Salmon River Hwy., 503-879-5812. Sheri- dan: 940 W. Main St., 503-843-5151. Services: Saturday, 9:30 a.m. Sabbath School, 11 a.m. Worship service. West Valley Chris- tian School, Grand Ronde, 503-879-5812. Pastor: Ron Wearner. New Hope Christian Center 919 SW 2nd St., Sheridan. Call 503-843-3277. Online: http:// Pastor David Kennedy. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesday activities 7 p.m. Complete listings available online. Church of the Nazarene 917 S. Bridge St., Sheridan. 503-843-3262. Senior Pastor: Monte Wing. Youth Pastor: Lindsay Raybould. Sunday Schools 9:30 a.m. Worship celebration 10:30 a.m. Sunday evening Bible Study 6 p.m. Youth and adult events throughout the week. Willamina Chdstian Church 200 S.E. Baker St., Willamina. 503-876-2097. Pastor Don Shelton. Sunday services: Bible School 9:30 a.m., morning worship 10:45 a.m. Jr. Church for ages 3 through 5th grade. Nursery for ages up to 3 years. Crossroads Worship Center 330 S. Main St., Willamina, OR 97396. Pastor Randall Long. 503-876-4424. Sunday 9:30 a.m. Monday Men's 6 p.m. Tues- day Youth 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Adult & Kids 7 p.m. Home groups & College and Career groups, check website for more information: Emmanuel Lutheran Church, ELCA 315 S. Main, Willamina. 503-876-6844. Debra Lynn Carlson, pastor. Sunday worship service 10:30 a.m. WELCA 1 p.m. first Thursday. Trinity Lutheran Church, LCMS 311 SE Schley St., P.O. Box 128, Sheridan, OR 97378. 503-843-4747. Eugene Ludwig, pastor. Summer Schedule: Sunday worship with holy communion at 10 a.m. We welcome all visitors and look forward to meeting you. Sheridan Mennonite Church 240 S.W. Madison, Sheridan. 503- 843-3224. Pastor Gary Nice. Sun- day School 10 a.m. Worship ser- vice 11 a.m. Evening service 6 Wednesday evening Bible study and prayer meeting 7:30 p.m. To include your church listing in this directorg, please ca11503-843.2312