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Sheridan , Oregon
April 27, 2011     The Sun Paper
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April 27, 2011
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4 The Sun, Wednesday, April 27, 2011 00h00ridan00apar)00s00 ,School I I' IIII IIIIIIIII1' I 11 II II III Students read and illustrate Canterbury Tales By Haydn Mclay SJS English and Social Studies teacher The visuals inspired by Geoffrey Chaucer's masterwork represent the culture, class, and personality of each char- acter from the Middle Ages. Students utilized lecture, discussion, Socratic Seminar, and independent research while designing their pilgrim. Some charac- ters were more difficult to identify, such as the Nun's priest encourag- ing the student instead to focus on the main character of her tale: Chanticleer, the rooster. Each student was re- quired to visually repre- sent their pilgrim's mo- tivation, also. \\; # The Yeoman The Summoner The Parson by The Prloreea by by Nathan Simpson by Lena Morrow Stephanie Bushbaum Bridgat Keaveney Hiilli'l Ilili Roger of Ware Harry Bailey The Knight by Carlisle Topping by Raven Elmore by Tabitha Mueller The Clerk, by Hanna Brandt (abstract art) 10th-12 grsde English dan show Ule# Caltatx Takm drawtngL Front: Hanna Brandt, Carll Topping, Stephanle Bushbaum, Austin Carafoot, lan Scott and Ethan Byers. Back row: Bridget Keaveney, Alessia Caponi, Camille Gluakoter, Lena Morrow, Tabitha Mueller, Raven Elmore, Jamle Campbell, Kayla UndNy, Nathan Simpson and Haydn Mclay, English teacher Learning about Mayan Culture The l Oth-12th grade students teach the 4th/5th grade students about Mayan Culture in social studies class Stephanle Bushbaum teaches the 4th/5th grade students: Wyatt Topping, Jacob Jackman, Ayla Carter, Kirk Wheeler and Max Mason. Raven Elmore helps the 4th/5th grade students play a game. For the Ancient Maya student teaching assignment, students needed to actively engage their younger peers in their specific topics, such as: the Mayan long count, a timeline of important dates in Mayan history, famous archaeological sites, Mayan art, and the geography of modem Mesoamerica and ancient Mayan city-states. Students incorporated figure drawing, Q/A sessions, a game of myths, and hands on learning. Afterwards the 4th/5th graders tested their knowledge in a re- markable scavenger hunt where Mayan knowledge was their key to the next clue. Titan Academy Nick looks at some cut stones. Students learn how to pan for gold. Fun and games at the Rock show. At left, Chris watches a game. At right, Titan Academy students particpate in a group game. Photos by Jeanne Ladd A Rocky Field Trip By Jeanne Ladd Tilan Academy Staff Titan Academy students took advantage of the annual rock show at the Polk County Fairgrounds in Rickreall on Friday, April 15, 2011. The students have been studying geol- This exhibitor polishes stones. ogy and learning the differences in sedimentary, igneous and other rock formations. The students saw various forms of rocks, including fluorescent rocks, fossils, petrified wood and even meteor rock samples. Exhibitors set up a special dark room for viewing under black fights, the stu- dents enjoyed this attraction. They leamed from experts how to cut and polish stones to make jewelry; they played. games and learned a lot of interesting facts. To finish off the excitement, they were able to purchase rocks and take them home. News Briefs Eisele wins OSU scholarship Alyssa Eisele, an Oregon State University student and Willamina High School gradu- ate, has won her second $2,000 scholarship from OSU. The scholarship committee of OSU's College of Education announced last week that she had won the Arizona Sawyers Scholarship for the 2011-12 academic year. She will receive a certificate for her award at a May 5 recep- tion on campus. Births Born at Willamette Valley Medical Center, McMinnville: Jeremiiah Austin Silva, 8 lbs. 6 ozs., son of Emily and Jer- emy Silva, Sheridan, April 13. Kekona Kawika Andrew Noeau Cumberland, 6 lbs. 13 ozs., son of Ashley Bot- Bun Kindergarten round-up May 6 Sheridan parents of children that will be 5 years old by Sept. 1 are invited to the kindergar- ten round-up at Faulconer- Chapman School on May 6. Two sessions are available: 9-10:30 a.m. and 1-2:30 p.m. Children will get to experience a kindergarten lesson. Parents can pre-register their children and should bring the child's birth certificate, immunization toms and Kenna Cumberland, Willamina, April 14. Birth announcements may be submitted to The Sun by calling 503-843-2312, ext. 204 or sending a FAX to 503-843- 3830. Our email address is news@sheridansun, com. record and proof of address. For more information, call 503-843-3732. mmm Methodist spring tea is May 7 Sheridan United Method- ist Church is inviting the community to its annual spring tea at 2 p.m. on Satur- day, May 7. The cost is $7.50 for ages 12 and over, $5 for children 6-11 years, free for kids 5 and un- der. The church is located at 234 N. Bridge St. For more infor- mation, call 503-843-2776. Senior Lunch Menus: May 2-6 Monday:. Chicken tetmzini or sesame ginger pork, cut green beans, carrot mandarin salad, sunflower seed roll, chocolate chip cookie. Tuesday: SW omelet bake or White bean chicken chili, escalloped tomatoes, creamy coleslaw, cornbread, chocolate Mexican fluff. Wednesday: Taco mini salad or antipasto mini salad, both on spinach Romaine, potato onion chowder, whole wheat roll, baked custard. Thursday: Baked ham w/raisin sauce or year scaitopini, garlic whipped potatoes/sauce, green peas, multigrain bread, cherry crisp. Friday: Shoyu chicken breast or meatloaf w/gravy, whipped po- tatoes w/gravy, seasoned carrots, oat rye bread, lemon squares. The Northwest Senior & Disability Services Agency offers noon meals in Sheridan at the Sheridan Nazarene Church, 917 S. Bridge SL Meals are served at 11:30 eL m. Monday rough Friday. Anyone 60 or over and UTeir spouse are welcome for fellowship and a ho nub'ous meal. Home-delivered meals are available for home-bound seniors. A donation of $3 is suggested for the meals. Advance reservations are required. For more information, call 503-843-2000. School Menus: May 2-6 Free breakfast for all students. All school meals include milk or fruit juice. WlLLAMINA SCHOOLS BREAKFAST Monday:. PB & J sandwich, fruit, juice, milk. Tuesday: Bagel, cream cheese, fruit, juice, milk. Wednesday: Combo bar, yogurt, fruit, juice, milk. Thursday: Muffin, string cheese, fruit, juice, milk. Friday: Cinnamon bun, fruit, juice, milk. WlLLAMINA SCHOOLS LUNCH Momiay: Cook's  or dell sandwi., broccoli, tosssd salad, oranges, malon lbNday:. Cea or hamburg, cucumbers, caners, tossed saJad, grapss, peaches. Wednesday: Gdlled ham/cheese sandwich or chicken patty on a bun, broccoli, tossed salad, beans, banana, applesauce. Thursday: Beefy nachos or tuna sandwich, cauliflower, carrots, tossed salad, kiwi slices, melon. r-dday: Rzza or ham sandw., broccoli, tossed saJad, beans, peapp, orangss. FAULCoNER CHAPMAN SCHOOL BREAKFAST Monday:. Cereal, peanut butter crackers, juice, milk. Tuelay:. Apple cinnamon breakfast bar, juice, milk. Wednesday: Combo bars, apple, milk. Thursday: Blueberry muffin, string cheese, applesauce, milk. Friday: PBJ grahamwich, juice, milk. FAULCoNER CHAPMAN SCHOOL LUNCH Daily choices: main dish, full salad bar, bread, white or chocolate milk. Monday: Chicken nuggets or spaghetti or ham and cheese sandwich. "lbeeday: Franch toast sks/sausage or cook's choice or turkey/chease sandw. WedS. Cheese burger or honey bbq chicken strips or PBfjetly sandwich. Thursday: Chicken burger or roast beef melt or PB/honey sandwich. Friday: Pizza or rib-a-q or egg salad sandwich. SHERIDAN HIGH SCHOOL BREAKFAST Monday:. Combo bars, fruit, juice, milk. Tuesday: Cereal, nutdgrain bar, juice, milk. Wednesday: Breakfast burrito, fruit, juice, milk. Thursday: French toast sticks, yogurt, juice, milk. Friday: Cereal, granola bar, juice, milk. SHERIDAN HiGH SCHOOL LUNCH Served dally: variety bar, fruit, whole grain breads, milk. Monday: Chicken stir fry or riboa-q on a hoagie bun. Tuesday: Cheese burger or chicken burger w/tots. Wednesday'. Mini corn dogs or bean/cheess burrito, served w/grean beans. Thursday: Spaghetti and breadstick or pork veggie egg roll and dee. Friday: Chicken wrap or taco pocket, sewed with com.