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Sheridan , Oregon
March 16, 2011     The Sun Paper
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March 16, 2011
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Fighting for schools By Herb Swett Correspondent, The Sun Mixed martial arts are on their way to the Willamina school grounds. "We're trying to think out- side the box to raise more money," Willamina Athletic Director Jerry Buczynski told the School Board on Monday night during a presentation on plans to use the gym on May 14 for an amateur MMA competition. The project is titled "Fight for Our Schools." If the first event succeeds there could be more sched- uled. Buczynski said a "low ball" revenue estimate for the event would be $5,000. He told the board that the Oregon State Athletic Commission would provide judges and a doctor, whom the district would pay. Asked by school board member Run Smith about li- ability, Buczynski said that a $10,000 surety bond given by Knucklehead Fight Promotion LLC, a Willamina company, and bound to the Athletic Com- mission, would cover liability for such events. Chairman Dan Heidt asked who would provide security. Ray Carpenter, a local MMA organizer, said it would be pro- vided by the district but amount only to a few crowd monitors. Buczynski said any events would be amateur, so that pro- ceeds would go to the district and any other sponsors, with no purses for the athletes. The board unanimously ap- proved the event. The board approved trans- ferring $43,000 from the gen- eral fund to match a contribu- tion from Willamina Lumber for Phase 1 of constructing a multipurpose building. Also approved was a $500 contribution from Jeffery's of- fice to help fund a senior project by Cody Heidt, a Willamina High School student. The project involves obtaining two automatic electronic defib- riUators (AEDs) for the district. The AEDs, which come with instructions, are used in treat- ing attacks ofventricular fibril- lation and cardiac airest. Other items approved were: • Contract renewals of 57 district employees. • Reappointment of Tammy Heidt to the budget committee for a three-year term. • Declaration of the district's Grand Ronde property as "surplus and of no educa- tional value" so it can be put up for sale. Filing deadline Thursday for school board positions With the deadline approaching this week to file to run for a seat on the Willamina School Board, three of four in- cumbents have filed. Clinton Coblentz, Craig Johnson and Run Smith have all filed for re-election, and were running unopposed, but as of Monday afternoon Dan Heidt had not yet filed with the Polk County Clerk's Office. All paperwork must be filed with the Polk County Clerk by 5 p.m. on Thursday, March 17. The deadline for those wishing to seek a position on the Sheridan School Board is also March 17 with Yamhill County. Three have filed for Position 3, currently held by Mary Leith. They are Muriel Ablard, Michael Griffith and Harvey Hall. No one has filed for the position held by Judy Breeden. Stoddard to celebrate l OOth birthday in April in Salem Nancy Stoddard will turn 100 years old on April 18. Born Nancy Marit Brown at home on April 18, 1911, in Fairbanks, Alaska, Stoddard was the oldest of five children and is one of three remaining. She graduated from Sheridan High School in 1930 and mar- fled Jack London Stoddard on Nov. 6, 1932 in Sheridan. (Yes, her husband Jack was named after the famous author Jack London as his parents-,ere close friends with the author). Stoddard has always been a believer in hard work, honesty and the loyalty of family and friends. She was employed by PGE at $20 a month and raised two lovely daughters Donna and Luann in Sheridan. After the girls had grown and moved out of the house she and Jack took to setting out on a couple different business ventures around the Northwest. They owned a trailer park,, a gas sta- Contributed Photo Former Sheridan resi- dent Nancy Stoddard will celebrate her lOOth birthday this April 18 with an open house in Salem on April 10. tion, a floral shop and enjoyed visits from the girls. Jack died in 1989. Stoddard is a very active centurion. She stays busy with quilting, and sewing crafts for bazaars and family. She travels with her daughter Luann and son-in-law Jerry often to visit family around the state of Or- egon. One of her favorite pas- times has been to walk the Or- egon Coast beaches and look for agates and shells. Now, Stoddard resides in Redmond, Ore. in her own apartment. She enjoys coffee and cookies for breakfast, col- lecting dolls and family pic- tures. She is currently a five- generation grandmother with six grandchildren, 11 great- grandchildren and four great- great-grandchildren. Stoddard will celebrate with family and friends with an open house on April 10 at the Wil- lamette Heritage Center at the Mill in Salem from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. She will also celebrate at her residence in Redmond on April 18 with media and enter- tainment fit for a queen. News Briefs Blood drive is March 23 A Red Cross community blood drive will be held 1-6 p.m. Wednesday, March 23, at the Open Door Church, 339 NW Sherman St., Sheridan. To schedule an appointment or for more information, call Dorothy Brink at 503-560- 4970. ment of 88 students. The SJS vision incorporates global experience, broader per- spectives, world citizens, Japa- nese language proficiency and college bound students. It strives to challenge students and expand their knowledge of another language and culture while providing a small, unique multi-age learning environment with high academic and behav- ioral expectations as well as uled for Friday night, March 25, at the Willamina High School. (Sam was a custodian at the High School for many years.) Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 8 p.m. A free will offer- ing will be collected, all pro- ceeds will go to defray Babe's medical bills. For more infor- mation call Wfllamina Christian Church 503-876-2097. mmm exceptional parental and com- Wednesday, March 16, 2011, The Sun 5 'A TIME To RrMEMBrR' Contributed Photo Kara Fry and Hannah Denton are presented with Sheridan Days 2011 awards. Theywere selected as the co-winners of this year's community celebration theme: A Time to Remember. They are pictured here with members of the Sheridan Days Committee Karen Christiansen, Wendy Bird and Bob White. One of the girls submitted "A Summer to Remember" and the other entered "A Year to Remember," Bird said, and the selection committee decided to combine the two and name both as winners. This year's annual event will be held from June 16 to 19 in Sheridan. Events, schedules and entry forms and vendor forms are all available online at TAKE US Access your First Federal accounts using your web-ready mobile phone at the store, in class or at the big game. Visit and Iogin to Online Banking, just as you do on your computer. Experience First Federal. THE NEW RELIABILITY. F i r s t F e de r a)" re. #. www.FirstFedWeb, com TI Free (88& 317 8333 * Telephone Bankin(j () 472-6! 71 McYMinnvilleHoOffe03)472-6TTt • akerCteekBtanch(503)4740731 • LeCtm(503)472-2315 Amity i503! 835-1{;33 • Clmlton {03! 852-7051 • Newbrg {503 538-9449 •  (503) 843-3811 mmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I Shop LOCAL! : Shop SHERIDAN! i Get $10 off!!) : Bring in a same-day receipH : I shawing you .;pent $2o ar mare in Sheridan l :: OFF: 1 The00Sun:: mmm munity support. Highway cleanup : For more information, call Information 503-843-3400, or visit on Saturday :  *Qualifying receipt must show : ONE purchase of $20 or more : Night at SJS The school is located at 430 West Valley Kiwanis and the from any Sheridan merchant m Coastal Hills Chamber of Com'- S.W. Monroe St. in Sheridan. and must be from the m Sheridan Japanese School is merce will conduct a highway hosting an information night on mm• cleanup on Saturday, March 26, :  SAME DAY m Thursday, March 17 at 7 p.m. at 8 a.m. as your subscription purchase. I prosp=tive students are RAnpfit dinnar Those interested in volun- :  This offer is good for walk-in customers Only required to attend at least one "'*.",""" . ..... " ..- reefing, should meet in e park- information night before enter- set 10r marcn z0 ing lotby Coyote Joes. The : at The Sun newspaper office, 136E. Main Street, m ingthe enrollment lottery draw- group cleans up from the edge through March 31, 2011. m ing. All visitors are welcome. Willamina Christian Church of town two miles in each di- : No other discounts or specials apply, l TheSheridan Japanese issponsoringafundraisingdin- rection.Itusuallytakesaboutan Sa __ Renew my subscription: School (4th to l2th grade) is a ner to benefit Babe and Sam hourtofmishbutifmorevolun- : NAME  : public charter school, serving Ksionsk. The dinner is sched- teers show up it goes alot faster. students from Sheridan, Wil- -- : MAILING ADDRESS __ : lamina, Grand Ronde, McMinnville, Dallas, Amity, I SenlorLunch Menus: March 21-251 : Yamhill-Carlton, Dayton and Newberg. SJS has an enroll- m Monday: Chicken chow mein w/chow loin noodles or sesame m c,   STATE __ ZIP  I ginger pork, green peas and onions, marinated spring garden salad, I m sunflower seed roll, chilled pears. I ts  m Tuesday: Chicken patty w/gravy or liver and onions w/gravY, I m m whipped potatoes w/gravy, steamed carrots, oatmeal bread, rice m  PHONE   II I pudding. I I Born at Willamette Valley m Wednesday: Shaved beefsandwich haft orturkey pastrami sand- m Mailing address in Yamhitl & Polk County" Outside area" m I wich haff on whole wheat bread, navy bean s°up, creamy c°leslaw, I  [m 1 _ Yea]'- Reg. $29.00- Special $1_9.00 m 1 _ Yea]t" - Reg. ,:9.00 Medical Center, McMinnville: I butterscotch bar. I Chace Edward Barr, 7 m .ur=. Coronation chicken salad or antipasto salad on spinach m : o 2 Years - Reg. $48.00 - Special $38.00 [m 2 Years - Reg. $68.00 m lbs. 3ozs.,sonofJuliannearrd I Romaine salad, vegetarian vegetable soup, commealroll, cherry whip. I Theodore Barr, Sheridan, m Friday: Breaded baked fish w/dill sauce or baked ham w/raisin m m I sauce, Colcannon potatoes, Oregon bean medley, multigrain bread, I  I March 1. m birthday cake. . I : Birtha""unceme"tmaymThNrthestSnir&DsebityServsesAganersnnraeasm The00Sun : be submitted to The Sun by m in Sheridan at the Sheridan Nazarene Church, 917 S. Brktge SL m calling 503-843-2312, ext. 204 | Mealsaresewedat ll:30m.MondayroughFndArgone60or I m and their spouse are welcome for fellowship and a ho nulritious meal. m : or sending a FAX to 503-843- I Home-delivered meals are available for home-bound seniors, m 3830. Our email address is m A donation of $3 is suggested for the meals. Advance reservations m 136.E. Main Street (P.O. Box 68) •Shendan, OR 97378 • 503-843-2312 I. I are required. For more information, ca//503-843-2000. I m m m m m m m mm m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Births