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The Sun Paper
Sheridan , Oregon
January 12, 2011     The Sun Paper
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January 12, 2011
Newspaper Archive of The Sun Paper produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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'~i,I tl | H|II| t I~ I ,|il| | I|, Ill ~~ Wednesday, January 12, 2011, The Sun 13 TO PLACE YOUR Ab ... The American Legion Shendan Post & AuxJlliary Unit # 75 125 NE Bridge St., P.O. Box 303, Shendan, OR, 97378. Meets 2nd Monday of every month, 6:30 p.m. potluck, 7:30 p.m. meeting. Hall available for rentals. James D. Gor- don, Commander. For information, call 503-843-3773. AII-Y0u-Can-Eat Breakfast, 7 a.m. to 12 noon first Saturday each month. $6/pers0n; seniors 65+ & kids 11 and under $5. 111e Veterans of Foreign Wars Willamina Post & Auxilliary # 4211 771 NE Main St., Willamina, 97396. Meets 3rd Monday every month, 6:30 p.m. refreshments; 7:30, meet- ing. Roger Epps, Commander, 503- 657-6703. Hall available for rentals, call Vickie R0ber, 503-843-7444. Srealdast 7-11 a.m. 2nd Saturday each month, all you can eat $5. MERCHANDISE AMVETS Td-City Post and Audlliary Unit # 2000 771 NE Main St., (VFW Hall) Wil- lamina. Meets 7:30 p.m., 3rd Tues- day of every month. Mark Weippert, Commander, 971-241-7710. Northwest Indian Veterans' Assoc. of Grand Ronde (NIVA) Meets 2nd Tuesday of every month. Gene LaB0nte, Chairman. Call 503-879-5342 for information. AFTER HOURS: Call 503-843-2312 24-HOUR MESSAGE LINE - dial ext. ZOl Leave your name, address, phone #, what you want TO PLACE YOUR AD: Call 503-843-2312 MONDAY-FRIDAY9 A.M. TO 5 RM. your ad to say, and how many weeks to run it , FAX YOUR AID: 503-843-3830 WRITE: The Sun, RO. Box 68, Sheridan. OR 97378 IN PERSON: The Sun Office - 136 E. Main, Sheridan E-MAIL: CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: Monday 5 P.M. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY: Noon Tuesday ~ ~ Include your name, billingaddress, phone number, what you want your ad to say, and the dates to run it Announcements 130 WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICES needs donations of non-perishable food items: canned soups, stews, chili, vegetables and fruit. Peanut butter, dried beans, rice, pasta, sauces and canned tuna are also needed. Cash donations gladly accepted. Items can be delivered to 120 N. Bridge St., Sheridan. Mon.-Thurs. 10-12 and 1-4. GREAT GIFT IDEA FOR ANY OCCASION! A gift subscrip- tion to The Sun brings joy all year long! No gift wrapping needed! $29 for 52 weeks of West Valley news / delivered in Yamhill and Polk County. Out of area $39 per year. Use Visa or MasterCard and call 503- 843-2312 ext. 201 or stop by 136 E. Main Street, Sheridan. VISA/MASTERCARD NOW ACCEPTED! Now you may place an ad, order pdnting, or take out a subscription to The Sun all with the convenience of your credit card! Call today ... 503-843-2312 THE SUN CAUTIONS CON- SUMERS to investigate adver- tisers before sending any money. We ask that you notify the newspaper of misleading ads. You may call the state's Consumer Hotline, 503-378- 4320, if you have any quesBons. Manufactured Homes 260 BRAND NEW SINGLE-WIDE. 2 bedroom, Grand Value GV621 M, only $29,995. Factory order only. Pick all your own colors. Call 503.435.1155 / 800.633.2045. 04c. Garage~Yard Sales 410 BRAND NEW DOUBLE- WIDE, 3 bedroom/2 bath, 28x48, La Casa, only $47,995. FREE SIGN when you place Factory order only, pick all your your ad. Garage/yard/moving own colors. Call 503.435.1155 sale ads must be paid in ad- / 800.633.2045. 04c vance. Place your ad by 5 p.m. ADVERTISE YOUR GARAGE SALE in The Sun! GET A Personals 150 sell the stuff you no longer need Firewood 475 with a Classified ad in The Sun. Call 503-843-2312 ext. 201 Concrete Work 641 SCOTT W. OUSKA FORMING CO. 31 years experience construct- ing basements, foundations and retaining walls. Hand built beautiful rock walls and home repairs. No job too small. Call anytime 503-843-0097. CCB# 189596. tfn01o Financial Services660 "Credit problems? No prob- ' Monday at THE SUN, 136 E. lem!"Noway.Apoorcredithis- , Storage Maih St., Sheridan. tory takes time to repair, no ' CLEAN OUT THE ATTIC and matter what anybody claims. PREGNANT? Confidential help: Free pregnancy testing and counseling. 24- hour hotline, 503-434-4400. tfn01p Real Estate 295 HAVING ANEIGHBORHOOD 5 BEDROOM/3 BATH mfg DISPUTE? Conflict at work or homes. Starting at $44,900. Misc. for Sale~Rent 490 in the community?. No need for Possible Owner Financing. Too YO-U'R" A-'D" F-~ ~RE! ~eH police, lawyers or the courts. OAK-FIR-MAPLE MIX - $55 for 1/3 cord or $150 for a cord delivered. Call 503-876-7897. 09k The Federal Trade Commission says no company can remove accurate or timely information from.your credit report, Learn more about managing credit and debt at A message from tills newspaper and the FTC. Misc. Serv/ces 670 FREE MEDIATION. Call Yamhill Many Upgrades Too List. Great your unused stuff with a class|- County Mediators, 503-435- Family or Foster Care. Includes fled ad in The Sunl Call 503- RUBBER STAMPS ... the per- 2635. yfr Set-Up. Call Today. 541,928- 843-2312 ext. 201 orstoD in at fect solution when you gettired 1471 136 E Main St • .~h~-rid=n of writing the same thing over ~ SAY "HAPPY BIRTHDAY' ......... i • • • .... .. ........... and over. Practical self-raking with a special flair! For as little uwN zu A~H~-~. umy. ~UU_! Wan* to B" 4n= return address stamps start at as $35 we'll design a beautiful mo ~] ~ uuu Near growing I::1,, .¥ ~,.s ^ o ..-. ,,-J~ = .. " _' ". ..... only $16.95. Th~ ouH, /oO r-. greeting for you. You can make r', !exas !/-vnenca's SaTas.~ CASH PAID NOW FOR GOLD Main Street Sheridan. it extra special by adding a ci[y). LOW Qown, no creei~ ................. photo of the birthday person, checks, owner financing. Free ANU ~ILV.I=H. we DUy~ Io,a.n. IF YOU used type 2 diabetes Stop by 136 E Main Street, M=n/niml'ur¢=~ P.NR._':tZL_q_O.zI~.zt ~-oge I=xcnange, MCMmnvme. drug Avandia between 1999- p m,,,. I Sheridan, or call 503-843-2312. ,-.-r-. r- ...... .- ............503-474-1845. tfn01e present and suffered a stroke, I ~1~ heart attack or congestive heart B~~Z00B - - I n'n ~ failure, you may be entitled to "~ BlWlWJ I tttt I compensation. Attomey Charles I I I v v I Johnson. 1-800-535-5727. II ~ ~ I HIP REPLACEMENT surgery: If i I REAL ESTATEI ISERVICES/BUSINESSI you had hip replacement sur- ' gery between 2003-present Help Wanted 310 and suffered problems requir- Building Services 640 ing a second revision surgery DRIVERS: Walsh Trucking has ~ you may be entitled to compen- currentopeningsforCDLtruck OREGON STATE LAW re- sat|on. Attorney Charles j drivers in Willamina. Min. 2 yrs quires anyone who contracts Johnson 1-800-535-5727. exp. Drive newer well main- for construction work to be li- tained equip.; enjoy paid time censed with the Construction Business Opportunities690 1 off, medical, dental, 401 (k) and Contractors Board. An active li- DO YOU earn $800 in a day? more! Call Mary at 503-876- cense means the contractor is • n Your own local candy routeW 25 l~t©l~l~ll~2010-Smusodimat-~'¢=n I 7626 or apply online at bonded a d insured. Verifythe . . , • vvww.walshtruckingco.cqm, contractor'sCCBlicensethrough macnines ano canQy all for Across Down In 02w the CCB Consumer Website $9995. 877-915-8222. All ma- jor credit cards accepted 1. Peter the Great, e.g. 1. Soap rock I COMPANY SOLOS & teams, www ,-. ............ 5. Proof goof 2. Lasting impression I Western US! National pay for CALL US BEFORE NOON on Tuesday and we wil p ace your 9. Dine 3. Aardvark I regional work Great home 12. Clearasil target 4. Retrograde I " • ate c ass fled ad n our Too Late To Classify' section. Deadline 13. Bucket of bolts 5. Quaker's you" I time. One yr. OTR or recent for regular classified ads is 5 p.m. Monday. (Remember, garage grad Hazmatrequ red 888-459- 14. Load from a lode 6. Longing I 3008'or sale ads must be paid in advance.) Call 503-843-2312 ext. 201 15. Plaster base 7. Computer security I DRIVERS- COMPANY drivers ~- Illlill~lll IIII~ III ~dl!tII Ill Ill ~ II lilt 16. Livestock food feature I preservation 8. Think out loud I up to 40k first year. Newteam I ~lliiinll|| ii il ~11111111111 II-lf|llll pay! Up to .48cents/ mile CDL I~ UUIIfiIlL" IlUUllll Ulllllll 18. Fold 9. It's available in bars I 20. Hidden shooter 10. Spur I Apartments For Rent 210 training.available. Regional Io- 21."Don't !" 11. Anequal I cations. (877) 369-7104.I ,, ,,,=---- --.-I 22. Teensy--- 17. Wasn't straight I ~ www.centra, I ~ ],Xllil.qT~JlX] 71 23. Heretofore 19. Warp I $430, remodeled w/new appli- SEEKING 10 year or newer 3/4 27. Sandwich shop 23. Suffers from j ances. Includes water, sewer, ton or larger trucks to deliver RVs from our Oregon and I :~'~'- " ~ll~lkll I ~. I 1 31. Big heart? 24. Cap material? I garbage. 503-560-3711. 04jb Idaho facilities to dealers r ~ ----- ='-~llf ~lllP]rllr~([][~:~l 32. Bizarre 25.- Move I across the Western U.S. and I,, . , . , . .... 1,11~'~"".~'~li~'~l 34. Workout unit 26. Father's Day gift I Duplexfrownhouses For Rent Canada. No force dispatch! 1- I I'r66 lowing ~tlli16 qF'tor th¢lRlln(lll 35. Helot 28. Secret I ~ 866-764-1601 or .... .: "'--'"1 37. Assiduous 29. Romanian monetary I2BR plex. Onsite laundry. Car- 39. Leave dumbstruck unit I 41. Frisk, with "down" 30. " show time!" I bage included. 295 NW Viola Street. Call 503-262-6725 or p I I I I I I I I I I I ! I i I I I I I I I I I II 48.45"42" Casual tOPAFixlight drama 38.36"33" H-o6dwinksororitySO_so letter ," casarealestate@email'c°r%3a i$ave a *bundle ' set to music 40. Bust up I Homes for Rent 220 • • • I 50. Vigor 42. Archaeological find I 51. Impair 43. Joust verbally I ! ...when you pay to run the same ad !. 52. Illegal block 44. Star I ROOM house. $665 plus de- 53. Data holder 45. Enthralled I posit. Water, garbage, sewer I . for 2 weeks you get the : 54. Pal 46. Potluck choice I included. Pet ok. 503-879- | 55. Setaside 47. Oxen's harness I I 2866" 03b = ~~3RD WEE~ FREE/i 56. Pain 49. Service award I NICE 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath i home near high school. Avail- . • able end of January. NO pets. I i First & last, will work with renter. 15words $850/month. 503L857-7998. for only $10.50 II • *** 04d I for 3 week insertion!* i HOUSE FOR LEASE OR II For this special offer I SALE: 3bed, 2bath, large ga- rage, gas furnace, fenced yard, | " . * Ad must be paid in advance. • new. Many more amenities. ~1 " * Ad must run for " $850/month or $149,900. Will 3 consecutive weeks. I carry contract OAC. 503-843- _i ~ * No copy changes allowed. I 3213. tfn51 a FOR SALE OR LEASE BY I MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE II BUILDER: 3BR, 2BA, 1,452 i Wsa or MasterCard accepted II sq.ft. Gas furnace with AC, gas I II FR laundry room, dbl. car ga- i ' II rage, storage shed, fenced. $1,000/month. First, last, plus NAME ADDRESS " II depos}t. Available 12-10-2010. I ............................. i ............................... : ....................................... .. ............................................................................ II 32Owner will carry OAC" 503-843-13. tfn45a I CiTY ............................................. ZIP ......................... PHONE .... , ........... - II 2BR - SHERIDAN, close in, I Please run this ad for 3 weeks in your classified section. II small yard, gas heat. $545/ | I have enclosed payment for 2 weeks - my third week is FREE. i month. Non-smoking refer- ences please. 971-237-7745. I ' II tfn42p I ! iI REAL ESTAT! SERVICES/BUSINESS Each number from 1to 9 can only be placed once in each column | II Each number from 1to 9 can only be placed once in each row Disc~ount home building I it.................................. :~'i .............................. ;1"3 ............................. 1~4 ........................................... ;15-: ................... $;1"0~ I Each number from 1to 9 can only be places once in each 3x3 grid supplies for remodeling and II restoration. Donations welcome. I II LAST WEEK'S ANSWERS II le $11.20 17 $11.95 18 $12J0 19 For longer ads use separate sheet of paper, add 70 ! II I l I ! ill nil 136 E. Main Street • P.O. Box 68 • Sheridan, OR (503) 843-2312 - FAX (503) 843-3830 E-maih U n n n m n n i ni i m. n m i m i nnnmm cents per add#ional word. i II II II II 97378 II II nB im il =i IBI