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January 12, 2011     The Sun Paper
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January 12, 2011
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011, The Sun 11 TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF the entire amount then due with interest thereon atthe rate SALE (other than such portion of the of 7 percent per annum begin- PursuanttoO.R.S. 86.705et principal as would notthen be ning 04/01/10; plus late seq. and O.R.S. 79.5010, et due had no default occurred) charges of $107.28 each seq. Trustee's Sale No. 09-OC- and by curing any other default month beginning 05/16/10 un- 104389 NOTICE TO BOR- complained of herein that is til paid; plus prior accrued late ROWER: YOU SHOULD BE capable of being cured by ten- charges of ($643.68); plus ad- AWARE THAT THE UNDER- dering the performance re- vances of $697.60 that repre- SIGNED IS ATTEMPTING TO quired under the obligation or sents paid BROK BPO fees, trip COLLECT A DEBT AND THAT trust deed, and in addition to charges fees, and attomeyfaes ANY INFORMATION OB- paying said sums or tendering and costs; together with title TAINED WILL BE USED FOR the performance necessary to expense, costs, trustee's fees THAT PURPOSE. Reference is cure the default, by paying all and attorneys fees incurred made to that certain Deed of costs and expenses actually herein by reason of said de- Trust made by, LARRY W. incurred in enforcing the obli- fault; any further sums ad- GANNAWAY AND PATSY S. gation and trust deed, together vanced by the beneficiary for GANNAWAY AN ESTATE IN with trustee's and attorney's the protection of the above de- FEE SIMPLE AS TENANTS BY fees not exceeding the scribed real property and its THI ENTIRETY., as grantor, to amounts provided bysaid ORS interest therein; and prepay- NORTHWEST TITLE COM- 86.753. In construing this no- ment penalties/premiums, if PANY, as Trustee, in favor of • tice, the masculine gender in- applicable. WHEREFORE, no- MONEY FIRST FINANCIAL cludes the feminine and the tice hereby is given that the SERVICES, INC., as benefi- neuter, thesingularincludesthe undersigned trustee will on ciary, dated 8/27/2002, re- plural, the word "grantor" in- April 7, 2011 at the hour of corded 8/30/2002, under In- cludes any successor in inter- 10:00 o'clock, A.M. in accord strument No. 200217052, est to the grantor as well ss any withthestandardoftimeestaio- records of YAMHILL County, other person owing an obliga- lished by ORS 187.110, at the OREGON. The beneficial inter- tion, the performance of which following place: inside themain est under said Trust Deed and is secured by said trust deed, lobby of the Yamhill County the obligations secured and the words "trustee" and Courthouse, 535 East 5th thereby are presently held by "beneficiary" include their re- Street, in the City of McMin- Deutsche Bank National Trust spectivesuccessors in interest, nville, County of YAMHILL, Company, Trustee for the reg- if any. Anyone having any ob- State of Oregon, sell at public istered holders of Morgan jection to the sale on any auctiontothehighestbidderfor Stanley Dean Witter Capital I grounds whatsoever will be af- cash the interest in the de- Inc. Trust 2003-NC1, Mortgage forded an opportunity to be scribed real property which the Pass-Through Certificates, Se- heard as to those objections if grantor had or had power to ries2003'NCl.SaidTrustDeed they bring a lawsuitto restrain conveyatthetimeoftheexecu- encumbers the following de- the same.DATED: 12/27/2010 tion by grantor of the trust scribed real property situated REGIONAL TRUSTEE SER- deed, together with any inter- in said county and state, to-wlt: VlCES CORPORATION Trusteeest which the grantor or LOT 1, BLOCK 2, YEATON- By KAREN JAMES, AUTHO- grantor's successors in interest HEIDER ADDITION TO THE RIZED AGENT 6161st Avenue, acquired after the execution of CITY OF SHERIDAN, YAMHILL Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98104 the trust deed, to satisfy the COUNTY, OREGON. TO- Phone: (206)340-2550 Sale In- foregoing obligations thereby GETHER WITH THAT POR- formation: . http://secured andthe costs and ex- TION OF VACATED ALLEY IN- ASAP# penses of sale, including a rea- URING THERETO. The street 3864769 01/05/2011, 01/12/ sonable charge by the trustee. address or other common des- 2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011 Notice is further given that for ignation, if any, of the real prop- reinstatement or payoff quotes erty described above is pur- TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF requested pursuant to ORS ported to be: 164 NORTH- SALE 86.757 and 86.759 must be WEST VIOLA STREET SHERI-Reference is made to that timely communicated in a writ- DAN, OR 97378 The under-certain trust deed made by ten request that complies with signed Trustee disclaims any Leslie D. ~;edlacek and Andrea that statute addressed to the liability for any incorrectness of L. Sedlacek, husband and wife, trustee's "Urgent Request the above street address or as grantor, to Fidelity National Desk" either by personal deliv- other common designation. Title Insurance Company, as eryto the trustee's physical of- Both the beneficiary and the trustee, in favor of Wells Fargo rices (call for address) or by first trustee have elected to sell the Home Mortgage Inc., as ben- class, certified mail, return re- said real property to satisfy the eficiary, dated 06/18/02, re- ceipt requested, addressed to obligations secured by said corded 06/24/02, in the mort- the trustee's post office box trust deed and a notice of de- gage records of YAMHILLaddress setforth inthis notice. fault has been recorded pursu- County, Oregon, as 200212246 Due to potential.conflicts with ant to Oregon Revised Statutes and subsequently assigned to federal law, persons having no 86.735(3); the defaultforwhich US Bank National Association, record legal or equitable inter- the foreclosure is made is as Trustee for BAFC 2003-1 by est in the subject property will grantor's failure to pay when Assignment recorded as 2010- only receive information con- due, the following sums:7777, covering the following cerning the lender's estimated Amount due as of December described real property situ- or actual bid. Lender bid infor- 27, 2010 Delinquent Payments ated in said county and state, maUon is also available at the from September 01, 2009 1 to wit: Being a part of the O.R trustee's website, payments at $ 352.46 each $ Turner Donation Land Claim, 352.46 15 pa;]'m~nts at $Notification No. 2367, Claim Notice is further given that any 349.06 each $ 5,235.90 (09-01- No. 55 in Sections 30 and 31, person named in ORS 86.753 09 through 12-27-10) LateTownship 5 South, Range 5 has the right, at any time prior Charges: $129.42 Beneficiary West of the Willamette Merid- to five days before the date last Advances: $ 4,553.58 Sus-ian in Yamhill County, Oregon, setforthesale, to have this fore- pense Credit: $ -9.50 TOTAL: and more particularly de-closure proceeding dismissed $10,261.86ALSO, ifyou have scribed as follows: Beginning and the trust deed reinstatecl by failed to pay taxes ,on the prop- at a point 13.46 chains West of payment to the beneficiary of erty, provide insurance on the the Northeast corner of said the entire amount then due property or pay other senior Donation Land Claim; and run- (other than such portion of the liens or encumbrances as re- ning thence South 33deg West principal as would not then be quired in the note and deed of 1.70 chains; thence West 1.06 due had no default occurred) trust, the beneficiary may insist 1/2 chains; thence South 26.13 and by curing any other default that you do so in order to rein- chains to the center of the complained of herein that is state your account in good County Road; thence South 77 capable of being cured by ten- standing. The beneficiary may 1/4deg West 21.07 chains to dering the performance re- require as a condition to rein- the center of the intersection of quired under the obligation or statement that you provide re- the Gopher Valley Road; trust deed, and in addition to liable written evidence that you thence North line of said Do- paying said sums or tendering have paid all senior liens or nation Land Claim; thence East the performance necessary to encumbrances, propertytaxes, 24.295 chains to the point of cure the default, by paying all and hazard insurance premi- beginning. Saving and Except- costs and expenses actually urns. These requirements for ing therefrom a tract 40 feet incurred in enforcing the obli- reinstatement should be con- East and West and 80 feetgation and trust deed, together firmed by contacting the under- North and South, including the with trustee's and attorney's signed Trustee. By reason of land occupied by certain fees not exceeding the said default, the beneficiary has graves now there, as reserved amounts provided by said ORS declared all sums owing on the in that certain deed from S.R 86.753. Requests from persons obligation secured by said trust Turner to S.T. Allen, recorded named in ORS 86.753 for rein- deed immediately due and in Book 69, page 166, Deed statement quotas received less payable, said sums being the Records. Further Excepting than six days prior to the date following: UNPAID PRINCIPAL therefrom that portion lying set for the trustee's sale will be BALANCE OF $32,933.59, within the Old State Highway honored only at the discretion PLUS interest thereon at 8% as described in Parcel 1 in that of the beneficiary or if required per annum from 08/01/09 to10/ deed recorded February 16, bytheterms ofthe loan docu- 1/2009, 8% per annum from10/ 1952 in Book 164, Page 583, ments. In construing this no- 1/2009, until paid, together with Deed Records. PROPERTY tice, the singular includes the escrow advances, foreclosure ADDRESS: 22331 SOUTH- plural, the word "grantor" in- costs, trustee fees, attorney WEST GOPHER VALLEY cludes any successor in inter- fees, sums required for the pro- ROAD SHERIDAN, OR 97378 est to the grantor as we!l as any tection of the property and ad- Both the beneficiary and the. other person owing an obliga- ditional sums secured by the trustee have elected to sell the tion, the performance of which Deed of Trust. WHEREFORE,real property to satisfy the obli- is secured by said trust deed, notice hereby is given that the gations secured by the trust and the words "trustee" and undersigned trustee, will on deed and a notice of default "beneficiary" include their re- April 28, 2011, at the hour of has been recorded pursuantto spective successors in interest, 11:00 AM, in accord with the Oregon Revised Statutes if any. The trustee's rules of standard oftime established by 86.735(3); the defaultfor which auction may be accessed at ORS 187.110, at FRONT EN-the foreclosure is made is TRANCE OF THE YAMHILL grantor's failure to pay when and are incorporated by this COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 535 due the following sums: reference. You may also ac- E. 5TH STREET, McMINN- monthly payments of cess sale status at VILLE, County of YAMHILL,$2,321.74 beginning 05/01/10; www.northwesttrustee'.com State of OREGON, sell at pub- plus late charges of $107.28 and www.USA- lic auction to the highest bid- each month beginning 05/16/ Northwest der for cash, the interest in the 10; plus prior accrued late Trustee Services, Inc. For fur- said described property which charges of ($643.68); plus ad- ther information, please con- the grantor had, or had the vances of $697.60 that repre- tact: Kathy Taggart Northwest power to convey, at the time of sents paid BROK BPO fees, trip Trustee Services, Inc. RO. Box the execution by him of the said charges fees, and attorney fees 997 Bellevue, WA 98009-0997 trust deed, together with any and costs; together with title 586-1900 SEDLACEK, LESLIE interestwhichthegrantororhis expense, costs, trustee's fees and ANDREA (TS# successors ininterestacquired and attorney's fees incurred 7023.74691) 1002.178803-FEI after the execution of said trust herein by reason of said de- Publish: The Sun, January deed, to satisfy the foregoing fault; any further sums ad- 5, 12, 19 and 26, 2011. obligations thereby secured vanced by the beneficiary for and the costs and expenses of the protection ofthe above de- AMENDED TRUSTEE'S sale, including a reasonable scribed real property and its NOTICE OF SALE charge by the trustee. Notice interest therein; and prepay- Trustee's Sale No. 09-FMB- is further given that any person ment penalties/premiums, if 104097 NOTICE TO BOR- named in ORS 86.753 has the applicable. By reason of said ROWER: YOU SHOULD BE right, at any time prior to five default the beneficiary has de- AWARE THAT THE UNDER- days before the date last set for clared all sums owing on the SIGNED IS ATTEMPTING TO the sale, to have this foreclo- obligation secured by the trust COLLECT A DEBT AND THAT sure proceeding dismissed deed immediately due andANY INFORMATION OB- and the trust deed reinstated by payable, said sums being the TAINED WILL BE USED FOR payment to the beneficiary of following, to wit: $289,232.61 THAT PURPOSE. Reference is made to that certain Deed of McMINNVILLE, CountyofYAM- Trust made by, DAVlDKESTER HILL, State of OREGON, AND ROBIN L KESTER AS (which is the new date, time TENANTS BY THE ENTIRE'I'~, and place set for sale) sell at as grantor, to TICOR TITLE IN- public auction to the highest SURANCE CO., as Trustee, in bidder for cash, the interest in favor of MORTGAGE ELEC- the said described property TRONIC REGISTRATION SYS-which the grantor had, or had TEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR the p0werto convey, atthe time INDYMAC BANK, F.S.B., A of the execution by him of the FEDERALLY CHARTERED said trust deed, together with SAVINGS BANK, as 10enefi- any interest which the grantor ciary, dated 12/31/2007, re- or his successors in interest corded 1/11/2008, under In- acquired after the execution of strument No. 200800467, said trust deed, to satisfy the records of YAMHILL County, foregoing obligations thereby OREGON. The beneficial inter- secured and the costs and ex- est under said Trust Deed and penses of sale, including a rea- the obligations secured sonable charge by the trustee. thereby are presently held by Notice is further given that any ONEWEST BANK, FSB. Said person named in ORS 86.753 Trust. Deed encumbers the fol- has the right, at any time prior lowing described real property to rive days before the date last situated in said county and setforthesaie, to have this fore- state, to-wit: PARCEL 1:closure proceeding dismissed Parcel(s) 1, PARTITION PLAT and the trust deed reinstated by 1993-56, recorded October 1, payment to the beneficiary of 1993 in Volume 3, Page 402, the entire amount then due Record of Partition Plats, (otherthan such portion ofthe County of Yamhill, State of Or- principal as would not then be egon. PARCEL2:Atractofland due had no default o curred) in Section 9, Township 4 South, and by curing any other default Range 4 West, Willamette Me- complained of herein that is ridian, in a portion ofthe J~mes capable of being cured by ten, Hembree Donation Land Claim dering the performance re- No. 46, Yamhill County, Or- quired under the obligation or egon, described as follows: trust deed, and in addition to Beginning at the Southwest paying said sums or tendering corner of Parcel 1 of Yamhill the performance necessary to County Partition No. 1993-56, cure the default, by paying all being a point on the East mar- costs and expenses actually gin of North Hembree Street incurred in enforcing the obli- (25 feet from center line); gation and trust deed, together thence East 131.75 feet to an with trustee's and attorney's iron rod at the Southeast cor- fees not exceeding the ner of said Parcel 1; thence amounts provided by said ORS South 00g08'09" East !2.50 feet 86.753. In construing this no- to an iron rod; thence West tice, the masculine gender in- 131.75 feet to an iron rod set cludes the feminine and the on said East margin (25 feet neuter, thesingularincludesthe from center line); thence North plural, the word "grantor" in- 00~08'09"West 12.50 feet to the cludes any successor in inter- point of beginning as shown by est to the grantor as well as any CS-11203.The street address other person owing an obliga- or other common designation, tion, the performance of which if any, of the real property de- is secured by said trust deed, scribed above is purported to and t.he words "trustee" and be: 3200 NORTHEAST "beneficiary" include their re- HEMBREE STREET spective successors in interest, MCMINNVILLE, OR 97128 The if any. Anyone having any ob- undersigned Trusteedisclaims jection to the sale on any any liability for any incorrect- grounds whatsoever will be af- ness of the above street ad- forded an opportunity to be dress or other common desig- heard as to those objections if nation. Both the beneficiary they bring a lawsuit to restrain and the trustee have elected to the same. DATED: 12/10/2010 sell the said real property to REGIONAL TRUSTEE SER- satisfy the obligations secured VICES CORPORATION Trustee by said trust deed and a notice , By: KAREN JAMES, AUTHO- of default has been recorded RIZED AGENT 616 lstAvenue, pursuant to Oregon Revised Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98104 Statutes 86.735(3); the default Phone: (206)340-2550 Sale In- for which the foreclosure is formation: http:// made is grantor's failure to pay ASAP# when due, the following sums: 3862940 01/05/2011, 01/12/ Amount due as of December2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011 10, 2010 Delinquent Payments from June 01,2010 7 payments TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF at $1,934.96 each $13,544.72 SALE (06-01-10 through 12-10-10) PursuanttoO.R.S.86.705et Late Charges: $ 507.24 Benefi- seq. and O.R.S. 79.5010, et ciary Advances; $ 217.00 Sus- seq. Trustee's Sale No. 09-OC- pense Credit: $ 0.00 TOTAL: $ 103486 NOTICE TO BOR- 14,2 68.36 ALSO, if you have ROWER:-YOU SHOULD BE failed to pay taxes on the prop- AWARE THAT THE UNDER- , erty, provide insurance on the SIGNED IS ATTEMPTING TO property or pay other senior COLLECT A DEBT AND THAT liens or encumbrances as re- ANY INFORMATION OB- quired in the note and deed of TAINED WILL BE USED FOR trust, the beneficiary may insist THAT PURPOSE. Reference is that you do so in order to rein- made to that certain Deed of state your account in good Trust made by, RONNY standing. The beneficiary may HERALDO LEICHNER AND require as a condition to rein- MARIA R. VILLAYANDRE statement that you provide re- LEICHNER, as grantor, to TI- llable written evidence that you COR TITLE, as Trustee, in fa- have paid all senior liens or vor of MORTGAGE ELEC- encumbrances, property taxes, TRONIC REGISTRATION SYS- and hazard insurance premi- TEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR urns. These requirements for CHAPEL FUNDING, LLC, as reinstatement should be con- beneficiary, dated 8/28/2006, firmed by contacting the under- recorded 9/5/2006, under In- signed Trustee. By reason of strument No. 200620477, said default, the beneficiary has records of YAMHILL County, declared all sums owing on the OREGON. The beneficial inter- obligation secured by said trust est under said Trust Deed and deed immediately due and the obligations secured payable, said sums being the thereby are presently held by following: UNPAID PRINCIPAL HSBC Bank USA N.A., as BALANCE OF $231,104.09, Trustee on behalf of ACE Se- PLUS interest thereon at curities Corp. Home Equity 7.750% per annum from 5/1/ Loan Trust and for the regis- 2010, until paid, together with tered holders of ACE Securities escrow advances, foreclosure Corp. Home Equity Loan Trust costs, trustee fees, attorney 2007-HE1 Asset Becked Pass- fees, sums required for the pro- Through Certificates. Said Trust tection of the property and ad- Deed encumbers the following dltional sums secured by the described real property situ- Deed of Trust. The Notice of ated in said county and state, Default and original Notice of to-wit: Being a part of Lot 11 in Sale given pursuant thereto Block 10 of LIPPINCOTT'S stated that the property would SECOND ADDITION to Dayton be sold on January 26, 2011, in Yamhill County, Oregon, at the hour of 11:00 AM, in ac- more particularly described as cord with the standard of time follows: Beginning at an iron established by ORS 187.110, rod on the Northwesterly mar- atFRONTENTRANCEoFTHE gin of State Secondary High- O = YAMHILL COUNTY COURT- way located South 51-16 West HOUSE, 535 E. 5TH STREET, 165.0 feet from the most East- McMINNVILLE, CountyofYAM- erly corner of said Block 10; HILL; State of OREGON; how- thence continuing South 51 -°le ever, subsequenttothe record- West 62.8 feet to an iron rod ing of said Notice of Default, the set in County Survey No. 3581 original sale proceedings were on the Northwesterly margin of stayed by order of the court or said State Highway; thence by proceedings under the Na- North 38-044' West 140.0 feet to tional Bankruptcy Act or for an iron rod set in said survey; other lawful reason. The ben- thence North 51-°16' East par- eficiary did not participate in ailel to the Northwesterly mar- obtaining such stay. Said stay gin of Said State Highway 62.8 was terminated on 12/2/2010. feet to an iron rod set in said WHEREFORE, notice hereby is survey; thence South 38-044' given that the undersigned East 140.0 feet to the place of trustee, will on March 4, 2011, beginning. The street address at the hour of 11:00 AM, in ac- or other common designation, cord with the standard of time if any, of the real property de- established by ORS 187.110, at FRONT ENTRANCE OF THE YAMHILL COUNTY COURT- HOUSE, 535 E. 5TH STREET, scribed above is purported to be: 903 FERRY STREET DAY- TON, OR 97114 The under- signed Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the above street address or other common designation. Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of de- fault has been recorded pursu- ant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due, the following sums: Amount due as of December 20, 2010 Delinquent Payments from August 01, 2010 5 pay- ments at $804.67 each $4,023.35 (08-01-10 through 12-20-10) Late Charges: $332.28 Beneficiary Advances: $725.00 Suspense Credit: $- 729.01 TOTAL: $4,351.62 ALSO, if you have failed to pay taxes on the property, provide insurance on the property or pay other senior liens or en- cumbrances as required in the note and deed of trust, the ben- eticiary may insist that you do so in order to reinstate your account in good standing. The beneficiary may require as a condition to reinstatement that you provide reliable written evi- dence that you have paid all senior liens or encumbrances, property taxes, and h ard in- surance premiums. These re- quirements for reinstatement should be confirmed by con- tacting the undersigned Trustee. By reason of said de- fault, the beneficiary has de- clared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said trust deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following: UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF $161,407.74, PLUS interest thereon at 2.000% per annum from 7/1/ 2010, until paid, together with escrow advances, foreclosure costs, trustee fees, attorney fees, sums required for the pro- tection of the property and ad- ditional sums secured by the Deed of Trust. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee, will on April 22, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM, in accord with the standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at FRONT EN- TRANCE OF THE YAMHILL COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 535 E. 5TH STREET, McMINN- VILLE, County of YAMHILL, State of OREGON, sell at pub- lic auction to the highest bid- der for cash, the interest in the said described property which the grantor had, or had the power to convey, at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclo- sure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by ten- dering the performance re- quired under the obligation or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obli- gation and trust deed, together with trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this no- tice, the masculine gender in- cludes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" in- cludes any successor in inter- est to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obliga- tion, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary"L include their re- spective successors in interest, if any. Anyone having any ob- jection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be af- forded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the same. DATED: 12/20/2010 REGIONAL TRUSTEE SER- VICES CORPORATION Trustee By. KAREN JAMES, AUTHO- RIZED AGENT 616 1st Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: (206)340-2550 Sale In- formation: http:// ASAP# 3857673 12/29/2010, 01/05/ 2011, 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011 i ~4 'q ! ~7