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Wednesday, January 12, 2011, The Sun 5
IMusician opens
recording studio in
downtown Willamina
By Jo Mclntyre
Correspondent, The Sun
In another sign of economic revival
in Willamina, Isaac Sturtevant, 26, is
constructing a music studio in an apart-
ment above Third Street Pizza restau-
rant in Willamina.
"We're renovating the whole up-
stairs," he says. Even before he fin-
ished building lofts for storage and
installing non-foam materials for
acoustic diffusion, he was recording
local artists and making CDs.
He and his wife, Amelia, live in one
of three apartments; pizza shop man-
agers, T. J. (Tony) and Vanessa
Humphreys, liveqn anothei one; the.
third is the recording studio.
"All the recording equipment is in
there, now he's bringing back the hard-
wood floors and soundproofing it," says
Vanessa.Humphreys. "We haven't had
any customer complaints."
Sturtevant has definite ideas about
the atmosphere and look a studio
should have to get the best results from
musicians. For example, he doesn't
like lots of foam, because that is akind
of formal recording studio atmosphere
that may intimidate them.
Not long ago, he found a 100-year-
old bam that had been blown over out
in Gaston. He got all the timber. That's
going to help him create a 1950s bar
look and feel. He says he's taking
enginering to an artistic level.
He studies the artist before he
comes in to record, to get a feel for his
personality and musical style.
Sturtevant already has made a few al-
bums and with this approach he's got-
ten a performance out of the artists they
never knew they had.
Then, he selects the fight tea for
everyone to drink and get relaxed to-
gether. "I try to create an environment
that captures the artist and facilitates
Contributed Photo
Isaac Sturtevant, of the Yamhill Studio in Willamina above the Third Street Pizza restaurant. He
deliberately creates a warm, relaxing atmosphere for the musicians he records. In front of him, to
the right, is the microphone that picks up the music and transfers it to recording media.
who they are. They can do something Sturtevant is a musician and com- system used to record, edit, and mix
they couldn't have done anywhere poser himself, playing piano and gui- musicandsoundforpicturesonaMac
else," Sturtevant says. tar, and sometimes drums and other or PC computer.
He has a network of house musi- instruments. He's been writing music Later, he eamed money working in
cians including string players and for- some independent fills, writing landscaping for three years and mak-
drummers, who help if necessary. He scores, and doing arrangements for ing music on the side. At one time, he
intends to avoid bringing in too many different places around the country, did his own recording in Portland and
additional instrumentalists, because He grew up in West Salem until he Vancouver, while he worked for a big
most artists already have developed a was 13, when he andhis family moved music store in Vancouver.
style of their own. to Dallas. His dad was a pastor for 14 He's still with it.
They also can bring in people they years, while running a business at the In 2008, he recorded Leeanna
have been playing with. As the studio same time. Bumstead, a rising folk singer-
engineer he tries to become as com- Sturtevant's musical interests de- songwriter. "She had a big grab bag
fortable around them as their own mu- veloped early. In his freshman year in of songs that she needed to get out.
sicians are. Musical groups are like high school, he spent all his money on She had a made a CD before that, but
family, he says. software called ProTools, a recording it was just an experiment," he says.
He recorded her second album and
she immediately went out and sold 300
of them, making enough to pay for a
trip to Africa, where her parents are
full-time missionaries. That experi-
ence inspired him to set up his studio.
After a sununer music tour with his
band in Las Vegas and Ontario, Canada,
he returned to Willamina to record ten
local Yamhill County musicians for "A
Wine Country Christmas" CD.
"Produced by Lennox Fleary and
Isaac Sturtevant, these two very tal-
ented musicians lined up the talent and
recorded the songs in Isaac's Yamhill
Studio in Willamina," says a note on
the McMinnville Chamber website.
It's clear that a religious streak runs
through Sturtevant. In a budding mu-
sic missionary effort, he is working to
help Willamina music programs in the
high school and increasingly popular
weekend performances at the Wild-
wood Hotel.
Sturtevant recorded a few songs
played by a beginning student guitar
orchestra put together by his friend
John Har, who teaches a high school
guitar class.
He says he likes the idea of inspir-
ing people to play music. He's trying
to focus more on individuals, regard-
less of their style. And now his studio
is becoming a bit of a launching pad.
"When they write a song, they want
to record," he says.
He helps artists promote them-
selves and get gigs, which also helps
him. "I tell them what to do to quit
their day jobs. I'm on that same ad-
venture myself." One friend, JeffMar-
tin of Eugene, has a new album to
record. With Sturtevant's advice, he is
getting played throughout Eugene.
And he's exceited about the music
in Willamina gaining fame as a venue
and stop for people on their way to the
coast. He's been working with the
Wildwood and "packing it out."
For information on the CD, see:
christmas-cd- featuring-loeal-
Secrets of the
Past program
Secrets of the Past: Trains,
Planes and Sunken Ferries, a
Yamhill County Historical So-
ciety program on early
tation, will be presented at 11
a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 22, in the
Moonlight Theatre at the Third
Street Pizza restaurant at 433 NE
Third Street in McMinnville.
Kory Knutz, a local histo-
rian will share stories of the
hardships of transportation in
its infancy in the county in the
late 1800s and early 1900s. The
program will feature a
slideshow and photo display.
Food will be available for pur-
chase. Admission is $7.
Contact Theresa Berthels-
dorf for more information at
or 503-842-2616.
Merkley holds
town halls
Oregon's Senator Jeff
Merkley will hold town halls in
Marion and Yamhill Counties
in the coming weeks.
He will update constituents
on his work in Washington, DC
and answer their questions and
invite their suggestions about
how to tackle the challenges
facing Oregon and America.
The first town hall, on Jan.
20, will be held at 1:30 p.m. at
Woodburn City Hall, 270
Montgomery St. He will meet
at Yamhill-Carlton High
School, 275 N. Maple. St., on
Jan. 21 at 10 a.m.
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Recognizing the
school board
The Sheridan School Dis-
trict is joining the other 14,885
school districts throughout the
United States in celebrating
January as "School Board Rec- served since June 13, 2002; represent you in their continuing
ognitionMonth." Position #3 Mary Leith, commitmenttolocalcitizencon-
Serving on the local school served since Dec. 19, 2007; trol and decision-making for our
board are: Position #4, Judy Breeden, public schools,"saidA.J. Grau~,
Position #1, Jason Alex- served since July 1, 2007; and Sheridan School Dislrict super-
ander, served since July 1, Position #5, Robin Rawl-intendent. "Foo often the efforts
2009; ings, served since July 1, 2005. of school board members go un-
Position #2, Larry Deibel, "As your elected leaders, they recognized and unrewarded."
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