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Sheridan and Willamina split varsity
basketball wins at Sheridan High
--SPORTS, 14
Planning a wedding this year?
Check out The Sun's special
section for tips and ideas.
--NEWS, 6-7
1 Investigation
continues into
Third Street fire;
fire place sparks
cause second
By Marguerite Alexander
Correspondent, The Sun
Local firefighters responded
on two residential structure
fires in the~ West Valley Fire
District this week-----one on
Sunday night and the other
early in the morning on Tues-
day. the state fire marshal's office.
On Sunday, at approxi- On Tuesday morning at ap-
mately 9:30 p:m. fn'efighters proximately 2:30 a.m. a fire
were called to a residence in the broke out in a home in the
100 block of NW Third Street 39000 block of Fort Hill Road.
in Willamina. Smoke was The resident, whose name was
showing when they arrived, unavailable at press time, was
The house, owned by Kathy in the house with a neighbor
Aaron, had one sole occupant: when they noticed sparks
a renter, Shydon Stapleton. The around the brick chimney.
honse received significant dam- Firefighters arrived at 2:37
age. a.m. to find flames shooting 15
The fire is under investiga- feet to 20 feet into the air from a
tion by the Yamhill County Fire second story window. A second-
Investigation Team. The alarm was called. In addition to
YCFIT team is made up of fire six vehicles responding from the
officials, law enforcement of- West Valley Fire District, one
fleers and a representative from FIRES I Page 9
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Police tape
surrounds a
house on the
corner of Third
Street and
Churchman in
Willamina the
morning after
part of the
hous6 burned,
leaving a large
hole in the
rdof, Sunday
Photo by Clinton Vlnlng
~lrv q!
By Daniel Crawford
Correspondent, The Sun
LargE turnout for
United Methodist Church
re-dedication ceremony
Approximately 175 persons at-
tended the re-dedication services on
Sunday, Jan. 9 at the United Method-
ist Church in Sheridan.
Tears flowed, smiles exchanged
and hope prevailed for a new birth to
a church that has been a landmark
within the Sheridan conununity for
more than 140 years. . .
Attendees included me~nbers from
the Amity Methodist Church, which
cancelled their own services to be part
of the dedication ceremony. Others
drove from as far away as Troutdale
and various parts of Portland on icy
morning road conditions to experience
the event.
Pastor Melanie Marcus opened the
ceremony by proclaiming the church
is back and thanked the congregation
for its resiliency and faith during the
re-building process.
"We have gone through our griev-
ing and are now ready to move for-
ward in our beautiful new home" said
Pastor Marcus.
The building is beautiful. The stained
glass windows that were salvaged
from the fire have been re-stored to a
brand new-like luster that prominently
CI~SRCI-I [ Page 10
By Clinton Vining merce, drew more people into town
Publisher, The Sun than even organizers had planned for.
"It's going better than extx ted,"
Downtown Sheridan saw more foot said Chamber President Sue
Waffic last Wednesday than it had since Adamson. "I had to call for another
last June's Sheridan Days. reorder of hot chocolate."
The attraction? Sheridan's first The ladies at My Koffee Kup said
First Wednesday. they served more than 75 drinks
"We're excite~ere's high en- Wednesday night.
ergy in the air," said event organizer "I am first excited about the first
Hawley V'ming. Wednesday of every month because I
The monthly event, planned by the truly expected just a couple of people
Economic Development Committee last night and we served at least 75
.of the Sheridan Chamber of Com- drinks," said My Koffee Kup owner
Wednesday, Feb. 2
5-7 p.m. in downtown Sheridan
Participants invited to search participating
businesses for missing pieces to complete
their snowman and enter to win prizes.
Yvonne Roberts. "I am so excited, I
never ever thought it would be that
popular, and that's just the first night.
I can't wait for the next one."
Physical Therapist Bob Thomburg
said he didn't have much traffic dur-
ing the first 45 minutes ofthe two-hour
event, so he pulled out his trumpet and
played a tune on the street in front of
his South Bridge Street office. At-
tracted by the hom echoing through
downtown, people started through his
door, where they had the opportunity.
to test their grip strength on a dyna-
mometer, and, of course, meet the
physical therapist.
Many of the participating busi-
nesses are not retail shops, but Still
agreed that making the community
aware of what they do never hurts.
Sandi Ficker, of Farmer's Insur-
ance "on West Main Street, took up
occupancy along with Roxanne Acuff,
of Acuff Storage, in Kim Greene's
Photo courtesy of Sheridan, Oregon Hometown Past and present Facebook Page.
Danielle Bedell, the new manager of Slow Train Coffee, stamps a
passport during Sheridan's First Wednesday event last week.
Northwest Property Sales realty office
on South Bridge Street, where the three
women offered visitors cheese, crack-
ers and wine as well as business cards.
"It's always a positive thing when
the community is working together,"
Ficker said.
The Sun
Call Paula at
ext. 202 "
Come to Our Office
$5 per sipature
Or FII Come to Your Place
$5 per dgnatureplus
$10 within 5 miles
$20 between 6-20 miles
ii i i
108 NW Lincoln St
Sheridan OR 97378
ARP, ttC
~m's Fun,~ai H,~)
wwwAda~son ReaRyPt fo
Red Cross Blood Drive: 1-6 p.m. Wed., Jan. 19, Open
Door Church, 339 NW Sherman, Sheridan, Appoint-
ments: 503-560-4970. Enter the EMs Getaway Sweep-
stakes to win a trip to Las Vegas or Memphis/Graceland.
WHS Senior Grad Night Parent Meeting: 6 p.m. Jan,
~19at WES, Becky Fendall's room. Info: 503-560-8173.
Indian Taco Dinner Fundraiser:. 5 p.m. Feb. 8 at WHS, $5.
West Valley Kiwanis Scholarship Fundraiser
Chowder Feed: 4:30-8 p.m. Friday,Jan. 28, at Wil,
lamina High School Cafeteria (during the basketball
games). $5 per person for a bowl of homemade clam
or corn chowder, hot roll, cookie and drink.
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