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The Sun Paper
Sheridan , Oregon
January 5, 2011     The Sun Paper
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January 5, 2011
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011, The Sun 9 REAL ESTATE Announcements 130 VISA/MASTERCARD NOW ACCEPTED! Now you may place an ad, order printing, or take out a subscription to The Sun all with the convenience of your credit card! Call today! 503-843-2312 WEST VALLEY COMMUNITY SERVICES needs donations of THE SUN CAUTIONS CON- non-perishable food items: SUMERStoinvestigateadver- canned soups, stews, chili, tisers before sending any vegetables and fruit. Peanut money. We ask that you notify butter, dried beans, rice, pasta, the newspaper of misleading sauces and canned tuna are ads. You may call the state's also needed. Cash donations Consumer Hotline, 503-378- gladly accepted. Items can be delivered to 120 N. Bridge St 4320, if you have any questions. Sheridan. Mon.-Thurs. 10-12 Personals 150 and 1-4. GREAT GIFT IDEA FOR ANY OCCASION! A gift subscrip- tion to The Sun brings joy all year long! No gift wrapping needed! $29 for 52 weeks of West Valley news / delivered in Yamhill and Polk County. Out of area $39 per year. Use Visa or MasterCard and call 503- 843-2312 ext. 201 or stop by 136 E. Main Street, Sheridan. PREGNANT? Confidential help. Free pregnancy testing and counseling. 24- hour hotline, 503-434-4400. tfn01p HAVING A NEIGHBORHOOD DISPUTE? Conflict at work or in the community?. No need for police, lawyers or the courts. FREE MEDIATION. Call Yamhill County Mediators, 503-435- 2835. yfr i 10 29 47 Copyr~ht IP~P= ~ 2010 " See us online at- Across Down I. Egg on 1. Send 5. It gets a licking 2. Inept 9. The works 3. "Do others as " 4. Quantity of paper 12. Sharpen 5. Battlemented 13. Pinnacle 6. Select, with "for" 14. Batman and Robin, e.g. 7. Around 15. Small amount 16. Disconnected 18. Without delay 20. Go back into business 21. A kind of person 23. Tippler 24. Sweet-talk 28. Small boat 31. Storm 8. Overage 9. Having a capacity for adaptation 10. Fretted instrument 11. "Crazy" bird 17. Slow 19. Bowling target 22. Former capital of Japan 24. Victoria's Secret item 25. Time delay 26. Worked up 27. Pertain 32. Disney dwarf 34. Wickedness 35. Like a gymnast 37. By that 29. Taradiddle 39. Scottish cap 30. Aviate 40. Scull 33. Censure severely 41. Winter Olympic 36. Surface performer 38. Baseball stat 44. Sandwich filler 41. Window feature 42. Hinge joint in the 49. Investor's concern human leg SERVICES/BUSINESS MERCHANDISE 43. True-to-life 45. Chauffeur driven vehicle 46. Etcher's need 47. Combine 48. Midmonth date 50. Massage locale 51. Like some drinks 52. Filmmaker Spike 53. Gawk . 54. Eight furlongs 55. Light Emitting diode 56. Distinctive flair 57. Bookie's quote EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any "preference, limitation or discrimination based on race color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Apartments For Rent 210 SHERIDAN 1 BEDROOM, $430, remodeled w/new appli- ance.s. Includes water, sewer, garbage. 503-560-3711. 04jb Homes for Rent 220 NICE 3 BEDROOM, 1 bath home near high school. Avail- able end of January. No pets. First & last, will work with renter. $850/month. 503-857-7998. 04d HOUSE FOR LEASE OR SALE: 3bed, 2bath, large ga- rage, gas furnace, fenced yard, new. Many more amenities. $850/month or $149,900. Will carry contract OAC. 503-843- 3213. tfn51 a FOR SALE OR LEASE BY BUILDER: 3BR, 2BA, 1,452 sq.ft. Gas furnace with AC, gas FP, laundry room, dbl. car ga- rage, storage shed, fenced $1,000/month. First, last, plus deposit. Available 12-10-2010. Owner will carry OAC. 503-843- 3213. tfn45a 2BR - SHERIDAN, close in, small yard, gas heat. $545/ month. Non-smoking refer- ences please. 971-237-7745. tfn42p Storage CLEAN OUT THE ATTIC and sell the stuff you no longer need with a Classified ad in The Sun. Call 503-843-2312 ext. 201 I$0 Down $0 Closing VA Home Loan Call Tom 503-697-7214 cell 503-703-5227 Mortgage The American Legion Shendan Post & Auxilliary Unit # 75 1.25 NE Bridge St P.O. Box 303, Help Wanted 310 DRIVERS: Walsh Trucking has current openings for CDL truck drivers in Willamina. Min. 2 yrs exp. Drive newer well main- tained equip.; enjoy paid time off, medical, dental, 401 (k) and more! Call Maw at 503-876- 7626 or apply online at www. wa/shtruckingc o. com. 02w DRIVERS- COMPANY drivers up to 40k first year. New team pay! Up to .48cents/mile CDL training available. Regional lo- cations. (877) 369-71 04. www, DRIVER- DRIV.E Knight in 2011 ! Get paid for what you hauled yesterday. Top equipment! Van and refrigerated. CDL-A, three months OTR experience. 800- 4 1 9 9 5 6 9 SEEKING 10 year or newer 3/4 ton or larger trucks to deliver RVs from our Oregon and Idaho facilities to dealers across the Western U.S. and Canada. No force dispatch! 1- 866-764-1601 or www.qualityd SHEEP HERDER Must possess 3 months recent experience, be able to ride a horse and repaid build fences. Must provide one letter of reference from employer who has knowl- edge of the skills required. Dates of need: 02/10/2011 thru 2/09/2012 temporary osition for (1) one worker. Lives in isolated camp/ bunkhouse. Performs the following tasks: tends ani- mals, use trained dogs and horses. May assist in birthing, docking, marking, shearing, feeding supple, mental rations. Tools and equipment provided at no cost to the employee. May be on call 24 hours per day/7 days per week. Con- tract for approximately one year, 3/, work guaranteed. Transportation and subsis- tence expenses to work site paid upon completion of 50% of work period. Salary $750 per month + room and board. HOG EYE RANCH, LLC, CARBON COUNTY, WYOMING Call Rawlins Workforce Center, (307) 324-3485 Or contact your nearest State Workforce Center lefer to order #WY2474496 TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF given that, RECONTRUST SALE COMPANY, N.A the under- Reference is made to that signed Trustee will on Monday, certain Trust Deed made by March 07, 2011 at the hour of GREGORY T NICHOL, as 10:00AM in accord with the grantor(s), to WESTERN TITLE standard of time established by & ESCROW, as Trustee, in fa- ORS 187.110, at the following vor of MORTGAGE ELEC- place: inside the main lobby of TRONICREGISTRATIONSYS- the Yamhill County Court- TEMS, INC as Beneficiary, house, 535 East 5th St McMin- dated 05/20/10, recorded 05/ nville, Yamhill County, OR, sell 26/10, in the mortgage records at public auction to the highest of Yamhill County, OR, as bidder for cash the interest in Recorder's fee/file/instrument/ the described real property microfilm/reception Number which the grantor had or had 201006755, and subsequently power to convey at the time of assigned to MORTGAGE the execution by grantor of the ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION Trust Deed, together with any SYSTEMS, INC. by Assign- interest which the grantor or ment recorded 10/27/2010 as grantor's successors in interest Recorder's fee/file/instrument/ acquired after the execution of microfilm/reception No. 2010- the Trust Deed, to satisfy the 14941, covering the following foregoing .obligations thereby described real property situ- secured and the costs and ex- ated in said county and state, penses of sale, including a rea- to wit: TRACT 51, BEWLEY sonablechargebytheTrustee. LAND, CITY OF SHERIDAN, Notice is further given that any YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON. person named in ORS 86.753 EXCEPTING THEREFROM has the right, at any time prior THE WESTERLY 5 FEET. to five days before the date last PROPERTY ADDRESS: 325 setforthesale, to have this fore- NW ORCHARD ST. SHERI- closure proceeding dismissed DAN, OR 97378 Both the Ben- and the Trust Deed reinstated eficiary and the Trustee have by payment to the Beneficiary elected to sell the real property of the entire amount then due to satisfy the obligations se- (otherthan such portion of the cured by the Trust Deed and a principal as would not then be notice of default has been re- due had no default occurred) corded pursuant to Oregon and by curing any other default Revised Statutes86.735(3); the complained of herein that is default for which the foreclo- capable of being cured byten- sure is made is grantor's fail- dering the performance re- ure to pay when due the follow- quired under the obligation or ing sums: monthly payments of Trust Deed, and in addition to $1,444.46 beginning 07/01/ paying said sums or tendering 2010; plus late charges of the performance necessary to $57.78 each month beginning cure the default by paying all with the 07/01/2010 payment costs and expenses actually plus prior accrued late charges incurred in enforcing the obli- of $-173.34; plus advances of gation and Trust Deed, to- $ 30.00; together with title ex- gether with the Trustee's and pense, costs, trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding attorney's fees incurred herein, the amounts provided by by reason of said default; and OSRS 86.753. In construing any further sums advanced by this notice, the singular in- the Beneficiary for the protec- cludes the plural, the word tion of the above described real "grantor" includes any succes- property and its interesttherein, sor in interest to the grantor as By reason of said default the well as any other person ow- Beneficiary has declared all ing an obligation, the perfor- sums owing on the obligation mance of which is secured by secured by the Trust Deed im- said Trust Deed, and the words mediately due and payable, "Trustee" and "Beneficiary" in- said sums being the following clude their respective succes- to wit: $219,520.00 with inter- sore in interest, if any. Dated: est thereon at the rate of 5 per- October 29, 2010 RECON- cent per arinum beginning 07/ TRUST COMPANY, N.A. For 01/2010 until paid, plus all ac- further information, please con- crued late charges thereon to- tact: RECONTRUST COM- gether with title expense, costs, PANY, N.A. 1800 Tape Canyon trustee's fees and attorney's Rd CA6-914-01-94 SIMI VAL- fees incurred herein by reason LE~, CA. 93063 (800) 281-8219 ofsaid default; and anyfurther TS No. 10-0138493 (TS# 10- sums advanced by the Benefi- 0138493) 1006.117568-FEI ciary for the protection of the Publish: The Sun, Decem- above described real property ber 15, 22 and 29, 201Oand and its interests therein. January5, 2011. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is PUT CLASSIFIEDS TO WORK FOR YOU! Call 503-843-2312 Misc. Services 670 YOUR AD FITS HERE! Sell your unused stuff with a classi- fied ed in The Sun! Call 503- 843-2312 ext. 201 or stop in at 136 E. Main St Sheridan. Want to Buy 495 I BUY GOLD, SILVER, PLATI- NUM and pay more than the other guys. Think fer-fal. 971- 241-4734. 01 L CASH PAID NOW FOR GOLD Concrete Work 641 SCOTT W. OUSKA FORMING CO. 31 years experience construct- ing basements, foundations HIP REPLACEMENT surgery: If you had hip replacement sur- gery between 2005-present and suffered problems requir- ing a second revision surgery you may be entitled to compen- sation. Attorney Charles Johnson 1-800-535-5727. Business Opportunities 690 and retaining walls. Hand built DO YOU earn $800 in a day?. beautiful rock walls and home Your own local candy route! 25 repairs. No job too small. Call machines and candy all for anytime 503-843-0097. CCB# $9995. 877-915-8222. All ma- 189596. tfn01o jor credit cards accepted. Professional Services 650 Too Late To Classify 700 Sheddan, OR, 97378. Meets 2nd AND SILVER. We buy & loan. RUBBER STAMPS the per- CALL US BEFORE NOON on I Monday of every month, 6:30 p.m. I Edne Exchanne MnrvlinnvillA fect solution when you get tired Tuesday and we will place your potluck, 7:30 p.m. meeting. Hall I Rn.~-47A.-1A4'~ 'ff'n'n'l~ of writing the same thing over late classified ad in our "Too available for rentals. James D. G0r- I ' and over! Practical self-inking Late To Classify" section. Dead- I don, Commander For information, I return address stamps start at line for regular classified ads is I cal1503-843-3773.AIl-You-Can-Eat I When you're tired of writing only $16.95. The Sun, 136 E. 5 p.m. Monday. Call 503-843- I Breakfast, 7 a.m. to 12 noon first I the same thing over and over Main Street, Sheridan. 2312 ext. 201 I Saturday each. month. $6/person,I think about a rubber stam p. ,' seni0 65+ &kids 11 and under$5.' m, -- -- - -- - -- -- - - -- - -- - - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- illll Regular and self-inking I stamps i The Veterans of Foreign Wars i are available at " ' I WillaminaP0st&Auxilliary#4211 i THE SUN,136 E. Main, Sheridan ave a bundle , 1 771 NE Main St Willamina, 97396. I = when you pay to run the same ad I. I Meets 3rd Monday every month, I, "'" a I for 2 weeks you get the I hments 7'30 meet 6.30 p.m.refres - ling. R0gerEpps, O0mmander, 503-1 I H'bitat'o'Huma"'tYl = z I 857-6703. Hall available for rentals, I I R P I I,Kv I I callVickie R0ber, 503-843-7444. I i HrO' T rO i ' " WEEK IBreakfastT.11a.m. 2ndSaturdaYl Ilt ,* l,;llk,* I : @ 15 words for only $10.50 : I each month, all you can eat $5. I I DiscoLInt home building " I I Auu=r= T " rH, =.e* o.d I I supplies for remodeling and I I for 3 week insertion!* I rllllWillV Ill v lVSli ulnu 0 I A dllla . " "r 2000 II II restoration. Donations welc me.II II ~ For this special offer I u ry unn ,|771 NE Main St (VFW Hail> Wi,-I' ,' SHOP ",: = . "Ad must be paid in advance. , -- ~ * Ad must run for " I lamina. Meets7:30 p.m 3rdTues- I I iif /I IJkl'II=l~'iPIP11 I 3 consecutive weeks. I I day0feverym0nth. MarkWeippert, I I YtuPl ~=ll~l,Jr'r-r~ I =~ * No copy changes allowed. I I Commander, 971-241-7710. I I r3ONATr- I i ~MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE | I Northwest Indian Veterans I I I ; ~illi~ visaorMasterCardaccepted l i Assoc. of Grand Ronde (NIVA) I IA L-- |1 I Meets2ndTuesday0feverym0nth. I iupen =1,| I Gene LaB0nte Chairman. CallI I NAME ADDRESS I iiii xxV ;id I 503.879.5342 for information, i I : I i i " " I 1040 SE 1st St McMinnville I = CITY ZiP PHONE | RUBBER STAMPS I (503) 434-6810 I,Please run this ad for 3 weeks in your cla~slfled section. | are available at I I I I have enclosed payment for 2 weeks - my third week is FREE. I THE SUN, 136 E. Main, Sheridan ~ I I I .i 2 3 5 - --- 11 12 1;3 14 15 $10.50 II , 800 925 0817t' e ~]*~r'. i For longer ads uJe separate sheet of paper, add 70 cents per additional word. I I I g" tl Herigse :' Sun :' ct! le theBlind ' Free Tow|no. Tax Dedu b,136E Main Street. PO Box 68 o Sheridan OR97378 ,(503) 843-2312 - FAX (503) 843-3830 a AskAskabout a FREREE 3 day var, ati0n t00vet 80 destinati0 J*ab0uta F 3 day vacati0nt00vet 80 dt ,~==~,=, 11,E-mail'. ----------------------,