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Photo by Jo Mclntyre
Camilla Van Leuven recently began a new business
as a licensed massage therapist.
By Jo Mclntyre people," she says. "I'm a little
Correspondent, The Sun more selfish." She thinks she
can be a success at it.
Starting a business is always "It's amazing. When I
nsky, but in this economic cli- started out, I had no idea what I
mate, Camilla Van Leuven's was going to be learning. I felt
new venture as a licensed mas- like I was in medical school. I
sage therapist shows that she is learned from the cells and neu-
willing to gamble, rons all the way up."
Cameo is the name she has She learned about life cycle
chosen for her new business, of the cells, which are the ba-
She also offers Swedish and sic building blocks in the body,
Reiki therapies for clients who including the epithelial layers
are stressed, tense or just need of the skin, and aboutlthe nor-
a break. It could be that Van vous system. She also learned
Leuven could use a massage about the body structure, kine-
herself, siology, and the deep tissues
"It's a little scary, because where she can reach particu-
I'm trying to start a new busi- lar muscles.
ness. It's really slow," Van Classroom learning was in-
Leuven, 48, says. She's return- teresting, she says, but she
ing to Sheridan after being wanted to get out of school, so
away for a few years attending she could start really learning.
school. She just finished her "Even though we were massag-
studies at Linn County Corn- ing all through school, it is so
munity College in Eugene in much different from school to
September. run a business, just to get the
She's a native Oregonian, business started."
raised in Eugene. She went to While she waits for her busi-
California in the 1980s, but ness to build up, she is trying
says, "I always kept coming to be accepted as a volunteer at
back to Oregon." the McMinnville hospital's can-
In her previous work life, cercenter, to help patients while
she worked table games at ca- they are getting chemotherapy.
sinos for many years, both at "It's hard," she said, with
the coast and at Spirit Moun- surprise. "It's almost like get-
tain. Then, like many Orego- ting a job." But she intends to
nians, she was laid off. Yes, the persevere, because that will not
bad economy has hit the casi- only give her exposure to po-
nDs, which are suffering losses, tential clients, it will also allow
too. her to give something of her-
Looking for a change of self.
pace and career, she attended an She got into the habit of con-
orientation session for recently tributing to community mem-
unemployed people. There she bers as part of the program at
found out what she was best in, LCC caUed Community Clinic.
and how her temperament and "I'm just continuing on with it.
skills could be turned into a new It wasn't a requirement. It's one
career, of the classes you want to take."
"A lot people who go into Cameo's email address:
massage, say they did it to help
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. Repairs
NEW things happening! Keep watching
Crafts For Kids Saturdays at 11 am
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by Jon
Computer2nd Wednesday
Help of the Month
with Denise 7
Library will be CLOSED January 1 & 15.
(Except for the overntghter) '
A representative of the ber school districts. Most of
Willamette Education Ser- the funds involve special edu-
vice District will speak to the cation students.
Willamina School Board at 7 The board will receive a
p.m. Monday in the Wil- blank superintendent evalua-
lamina Elementary School li- tion document for possible ap-
brary, proval at its February meeting.
The subject will be annual In a work session at 6:30
resolutions, which involve p.m. Jan. 18, the board will
WESD funding to its mem- discuss funding.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011, The Sun 3
Woman thanks deputy for
ride by slashing his tires
A woman caught driving Her car towed, as a cour-
with suspeiaded driving privi- tesy--since a fide for the Lin-
loges retaliated by slashing coln City residentwas two hours
the tire ofthe Yamhill County away--4he deputy offered the
Sheriff Office patrol car after woman a ride to the casino.
a deputy gave her a courtesy While the deputy went in-
ride to Spirit Mountain Ca- side the casino to check on the
sino on Monday afternoon, shuttle schedules, Smith
Elaine Catherine Smith, walked over and popped a tire
56, ofLincoln City was taken on the patrol car. The tire
into custody at the casino by slashing was caught on sur-
a Polk County sheriff deputy veillance camera at the casino,
and charged with second-de- Smith was taken into cus-
gree criminal mischief fol- tody and transported to the
lowing the Jan. 3 incident. Polk County Jail in Dallas.
Continued from PAGE 1
Willamette Valley Wineries
Association and Willamette
The public vote lost by 58
percent against the county
prohibiting expansion of the
existing landfill or new land-
fills within 2,000 feet of the
floodplain, to 42 percent in
favor, per day of methane that is cur-
Regarding the recent Court rently being burned off on the
of Appeals ruling, expansion landfill site and sell it to
opponent Susan Watkins said McMinnville Water and
the county could continue to Light.
pursue expansion of the land- While not economically
fill on the banks of the South feasible at this time, at some
Yamhill River, or develop an- point, the landfill could pro-
other plan to manage solid duce enough electricity to sup-
waste into the future, ply 2,500 homes, a Riverbend
She recommends that the spokesman said. Riverbend is
county emphasize recycling supervised by state regulators.
and productive re-use of Waste Management bought
waste without doubling the the landfill in 1982.
size of the landfill with out-
of-county garbage.
During the permitting pro-
cess' Waste ManagementI I
modified the size of the re-
quested expansion, particu-
larly the waste pile's proposed
increase in height.
They also are implement-
ing plans to produce electric-
ity from the 1.2 billion BTU
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Dear Morn, Dad,
Grandpa and Grandma,
Here's a chance to show off the pride
and joy ofyour family. The Sun will
punish, its third annual Parade of Little
People Wednesday, January 26.
All youngsters born from Jan. 1, 2005
to Dec. 31, 2010 are,eligible. Bring in or
send your youngster s picture along with
$10 to The Sun byJan, lZl-. No matter
where you live, a picture of your eligible
Little Person will be accepted: This charge
is for processingyour child s photo for
Wallet sized pictures are preferable to
large portrait sized pictures. Color
pictures, except polaroid, are acceptable
although black and white is preferable.
Snapshots do not reproduce well. Digital
photos may be saved to disk or emailed.
Fill out the coupon below to assure
thatyouryoungster is included in the ,
Parade of Little People. Print the child s
name on the back of the picture.
All pictures will be held for 30 days
after publication for pick-up, or you may
send a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Carter Vining
Sheridan, Oregon
Born Dec. 2, 2007
Clinton & Hawley Vining
Papa & Grammy
Mac & Grandma Karolee
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Birth Date
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